Paul Harouff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm trying to build guile-1.6.3 on SuSE 8.1 with an RPM spec file
> During make install, the file 
> /usr/src/packages/BUILD/guile-1.6.3/libguile/.libs/
> gets changed to
> /usr/src/packages/BUILD/guile-1.6.3/libguile/.libs/
> which ruins all the links and install into the var/tmp/<build>
> directory.
> Attached is a log of make -dw install in the libguile directory.
> Watching the directory at the same time, it appears that the problem
> occurs near the only reference to .libs in the log, but I can't figure
> out the exact command that is changing the file name and how to fix it.

I'm pretty sure this is libtool's doing, and I *think* it has to do
with missing symbols (perhaps libguile's not being linked against all
the other libs it needs, or they're not visible to libtool at the
right time -- not really sure).

If you're not using the latest libtool, you might try upgrading that,
re-running ./ and see if that helps, but that's just a
guess.  Unfortunately I don't know offhand what the cause is...

Rob Browning
rlb,, and
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