I am getting a programming error with the following code:

\version "2.24.3" % 2.25.14 too

rightHand = \relative {
  c''4( c c c | \break
  g4 g \tuplet 3/2 4 { c,8) \change Staff = "lower" g[ g] } g4 |

\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "upper" \rightHand
  \new Staff = "lower" { \clef bass s1 * 2 }

The output is:

/home/foo/bar/calc-in-progress-error.ly:4:7 <0>: programming error: cyclic
dependency: calculation-in-progress encountered for Slur.stencil


( c c c | \break

/home/foo/bar/calc-in-progress-error.ly:4:7 <1>: continuing, cross fingers

The situation seems to take several situations all together: A broken slur,
a tuplet, a change of staff, and explicit beaming. Take any of those away
and the error disappears.

Knute Snortum

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