On 2/28/2014 8:07 PM, John E. Malmberg wrote:
I have the test harness apparently working on VMS.  I need to fix up the
DCL command procedure that is needed set up a number of foreign
commands needed by it before submitting a patch.

If no one else is interested in immediately running the test harness on
VMS, I can wait on submitting a patch until I determine what is causing
all the test failures.

So far running the test harness on VMS will require:
    Perl 5.18.1 or later.
    GNV 2.1.3 or later.
    Bash 4.2.45 or later.
    Coreutils 8.21 or later.

This limits running the test harness on Alpha/VMS 8.3 and 8.4 and IA64
VMS 8.4.

"58 Tests in 103 Categories Failed (See .diff* files in work dir for
details) :-("

As there appears to be 111 log files, this is just less than half the
tests passing.

Investigation showed two additional VMS specific issues in the test harness that were affecting the test run. After fixing those issues:

69 Tests in 90 Categories Failed (See .diff* files in work dir for details) :-(

As there were 126 log files created, this indicates that more tests were being run. I do not know why the category count changed. Still more than 1/2 the tests are failing.

If I determine that a test failure is an actual bug in the VMS port instead of a feature of the implementation do you want tickets filed to track the issue, or just the the patch to fix it if it is possible to fix?


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