This is with the bs-nl patch submitted on November 27, 2014 applied and the features/archives patch submitted October 21, 2014 applied.

Since then, I have discovered some of the failures were due to issues with the way the VMS port of Perl is reading the output from the process. The partial line output of fput() is not being read by Perl. As this does not seem to be an issue with Make on VMS, I am adjusting the test scripts to compensate.

I also discovered that the VMS port of Perl is creating a DCL symbol "c" before running the make command in the test. This has a collision with the undefine test, so I needed to change the macro name in the makefile from 'c' to 'cx' to avoid the collision.

This bring the test results to:

Test run:  457
     Pass: 430
     skip:  16
     fail:  12

The remaining failed tests:

options/dash-e          0 of  1 pass  - Needs investigation.
options/dash-k          2 of  3 pass  - Know how to fix - Minor update.
options/dash-n          4 of  6 pass  - Needs investigation.
options/dash-q          7 of 10 pass  - Needs investigation.
variables/GNUMAKEFLAGS  2 of  2 pass  - Needs investigation.
variables/MAKEFILES     1 of  2 pass  - Needs investigation.
variables/MAKEFLAGS     2 of  3 pass  - Needs investigation.
variables/MAKELEVEL     0 of  1 pass  - Needs investigation.
variables/MAKE_RESTARTS 2 of  3 pass  - Needs investigation.

It looks like some problem with environment variables that should be exported are not being seen by the child make programs. Solving that issue should fix the majority of the test failures.

Currently skipped scripts:

features/export           - Expects a Posix shell.
features/load             - Not implemented on VMS.
features/loadapi          - Not implemented on VMS.
features/output-sync      - Not implemented on VMS.
features/parallelism      - Not implemented on VMS.
features/quoting          - Expects a Posix shell.
features/shell_assignment - Expects a Posix shell.
functions/guile           - guile not ported to VMS.
functions/shell           - Expects a Posix shell.
options/symlinks          - Needs to be implemented on VMS.
targets/ONESHELL          - Not implemented on VMS.
targets/POSIX             - Expects a Posix shell.
variables/SHELL           - Expects a Posix shell.

Symbolic links are available on VMS 8.3 and later.


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