Follow-up Comment #5, bug #60077 (project make):

Todd, thank for your contribution.

Your patch is missing second expansion tests.

i observe the following misbehavior.

$ cat makefile

hello world&: $$(info in prereqs @ = $$@, @< = $$(@<), @^ = $$(@^))
        $(info in recipe @ = $@, @< = $(@<), @^ = $(@^))
$ ~/src/gmake/make/l64/make -f makefile hello
in prereqs @ = world, @< = hello, @^ = hello world
in prereqs @ = hello, @< = hello, @^ = hello world
in recipe @ = hello, @< = hello, @^ = hello world
make: 'hello' is up to date.
$ cat makefile4

all: world.z hello.x

%.x %.z&: $$(info in prereqs @ = $$@, @< = $$(@<), @^ = $$(@^))
        $(info in recipe @ = $@, @< = $(@<), @^ = $(@^))
$ ~/src/gmake/make/l64/make -f makefile4 hello.x
in prereqs @ = hello.x, @< = hello.x, @^ = hello.x
in recipe @ = hello.x, @< = hello.x, @^ = hello.x hello.z
make: 'hello.x' is up to date.

Explicit rules are good.
However, you can see during the 2nd expansion of implicit rules @^ expands to
the 1st target, rather than the whole group.


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