
I have a suggestion to improve a little part of GNU make's info manual, I hope
you will have time to look into this, and that you will like my proposal.

In section 4.14, GNU make's info manual recommends the following construct to
handle header files dependencies.

%.d: %.c
        @set -e; rm -f $@; \
        $(CC) -M $(CPPFLAGS) $< > $...@.$$$$; \
        sed 's,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o $@ : ,g' < $...@.$$$$ > $@; \
        rm -f $...@.$$$$

sources = foo.c bar.c
include $(sources:.c=.d)

Indeed, this works, but I believe there are better solutions, both from an
efficiency point of view, and from a pedagogic point of view. Let me give a
couple of examples of what is less than ideal with this solution, and then show
an alternative proposal.

1) .d files are generated and included even when they are not needed. When the
.o file hasn't been created yet, knowing its .c source file is enough, and
information on header file dependencies, while harmless, is of no practical

2) The rule for the %d: %c command is relatively complex, involving a sed
expression that is likely to be cryptic for people in the process of learning
the various GNU tools.

3) Generating the .d file and the .o file in completely independent steps is
relatively inefficient, because it makes rather poor use of the file system's
cache, and because it creates more processes than strictly necessary.

Instead I propose this:

%.o %.d: %.c
        $(COMPILE.c) -MD -o $*.o $<

sources = foo.c bar.c
objects = $(sources:.c=.o)
include $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(wildcard $(objects)))

The advantages are:

Only the .d files matching existing objects are included. As these are the only
.d files actually needed, this is more efficient, and addresses point 1.

There is no need to compute the dependencies of the .d file itself. As they are
identical to the dependencies of the .o file, the .d file should be recreated
every time the .o file is. The proposed rule takes care of that. This gets us
rid of most of the complexity of the original rule for making the .d files, and
in particular the sed command, addressing point 2.

Fewer process creations are needed. Instead of 4 per source file (cc for the .o
file, cc for the .d file, sed, and rm), we have 1, addressing part of the
efficiency concerns expressed in point 3.

The disc/file system is used more efficiently. The source file is only read
once, causing much fewer disc accesses than the method proposed in GNU make's
info manual. As compilation tends to be I/O bound, this can be significant.
This also addresses the efficiency concerns expressed in point 3.

The only downside I see with this method is that when only the .d file is
missing when the .o the other exists and is up to date, will we recreate both
anyway, which is slightly inefficient. However, I don't consider this a big
issue, because this will only happen in rare situations. As the two file are
generated together, in normal use it shouldn't happen often that only one of
them is present. Besides, even if the .d is missing, the regeneration of the .o
will not be that expensive, given that both files are generated with a single
invocation of the compiler.

I don't know any compiler that supports -M and doesn't support -MD, but if
there is one, the rule can be very simply adapted:

%.o %.d: %.c
        $(COMPILE.c) -o $*.o $<
        $(COMPILE.c) -M -o $*.d $<

This still creates fewer processes than the method proposed in GNU make's
manual, and is still easier to understand. The two accesses to the source file
are immediately after each other, and are likely to play well with the
file system's cache.

If you see problems with the method I suggest, I would be delighted to get your
feedback on this topic. If you agree that the method I propose would be an
improvement to the one currently described in the info manual, I will try to
write a replacement for section 4.14, unless of course, you prefer to do that

Best regards,

Florian Rivoal

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