I previously posted the patch for the tests that should currently be skipped on VMS.

This is the second part of the changes VMS needs to the tests in the features directory which completes this directory.

    Create a VMS format makefile
    Skip one test because VMS does not currently export
    environment variables.
    Possible enhancement to create DCL symbols for those
    environment variables.

    Use pipe command multiple commands on a line.
    Use POSIX encoded exit code, as exit 1 is success on VMS.

    One test is failing to interpret a macro properly.
    Convert makefile and result to VMS syntax.

    VMS makefile needs hack to convert commas back to spaces.

    One test is failing, claiming no action needed.
    VMS makefile needs hack to convert commas back to spaces.

    VMS makefile needs hack to convert commas back to spaces.

    VMS makefile needs VMS syntax.
    Two tests skipped because they need a Posix shell

    VMS makefile needs hack to convert commas back to spaces.
    vpath only works with VMS syntax files.
    Enhancement: The rest of Make on VMS works with either
    VMS or UNIX filename syntax, so VPATH should also.

    Test is currently failing, apparently gpath not implemented.
    Converted test to use VMS syntax for VPATH.

    vpath only works with VMS syntax files.
    Use VMS type, pipe command and POSIX encoded exit codes.

Attachment: 0001-vms-tests-features-patternrules-to-vpathplus.patch.gz
Description: application/gzip

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