undesirable .out rule

2001-11-12 Thread Bruno Haible


GNU make 3.79.1 apparently contains a pattern rule %.out : % ; ...
which has some undesirable side effects. You can observe it as follows:

- unpack ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/gettext/gettext-0.11-pre1.tar.gz,
- make a VPATH build:
$ cd gettext-0.11-pre1
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure
$ make
- make a distribution package:
$ make dist

You will observe that the created distribution contains a tests/msguniq-1.out
file which differs from the one in the source. During the make dist a
dependency of 'distdir' on 'msguniq-1.out' has caused the following command
to be executed:
cp ../../tests/msguniq-1 msguniq-1.out

Both 'msguniq-1' and 'msguniq-1.out' exist in the source directory ../../tests,
and 'msguniq-1.out' is older than 'msguniq-1'. This has apparently triggered
the implicit rule.

I'd like to ask to remove this misfeature rule from GNU make because

  1) It is undocumented. The make documentation (node Catalogue of Implicit
 Rules) doesn't mention this pattern rule. It only mentions the .out
 suffix, but the tests/Makefile redefines the suffix list anyway.

  2) It cannot be turned off in a portable way. Node Canceling Implicit Rules
 recommends redefining the same pattern rule with no commands. But
 since pattern rules are not portable (see SUSV2 make documentation),
 I cannot do that in a portable Makefile.

  3) Compared to the rationale of the rule, namely the ability to write
 rules like

.out.symlist :
nm $  $@

 which create 'foo,symlist' from 'foo', its implementation is gross:
 it copies the complete executable file. This is a case where pattern
 rules are needed.


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2001-11-12 Thread Dred Delle


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pipe read hang on Win 2000 with make 3.79.1

2001-11-12 Thread J . B .

Here's a problem I've encountered recently ...

Using the Win32 port of GNU make 3.79.1 on Windows 2000 with either the Cygwin shell, 
or the MKS sh.exe, or even the Windows cmd.exe I get a hang when running the following 

CWD:=$(shell pwd)
PKGDIR = $(shell echo this.is.a.test | sed 's:\.:/:g')

all :
echo $(CWD)
echo $(PKGDIR)
echo Done.
cd testdir2  $(MAKE)

The hang appears to be on a pipe read.  Due to my lack of Win32 experience, that's all 
I can tell.  In addition, this makefile must be in a recursive make, nested about 5 or 
6 directories deep, so simply create the following directory directory structure and 
put a copy of the makefile in each directory and run make at the top level:  

The line of the makefile that causes the problem is the one with the $(shell ...) 
command.  I can work around the problem by breaking the $(shell ) command into two 
shell commands, storing the intermediate result in a file and redirecting I/O rather 
than using a pipe between echo.exe and sed.exe.  Also, I've ruled out these two 
programs as the culprit.  I can use other programs besides echo and sed and get the 
hang.  The problem doesn't appear to happen on Win NT 4.0.

Any help in getting this fixed would be greatly appreciated.


Bug-make mailing list

Re: pipe read hang on Win 2000 with make 3.79.1

2001-11-12 Thread Paul Smith

  X-Mailer: NIMS ModWeb Module

I don't know what this is, but it generates pretty seriously malformed
SMTP messages :-/.

Using the Win32 port of GNU make 3.79.1 on Windows 2000 with either the =
Cygwin shell, or the MKS sh.exe, or even the Windows cmd.exe I get a =
hang when running the following makefile:

  PKGDIR = $(shell echo this.is.a.test | sed 's:\.:/:g')

Your best bet is to ask on [EMAIL PROTECTED], but, did you try running
this directoy at the command line, without using make's shell function?

If that doesn't work, then it's not a make issue at all and you should
ask the Cygwin or even the MKS or Microsoft folks.

 Paul D. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] HASMAT: HA Software Mthds  Tools
 Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional. --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

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