
I realized that with configured '-iri', no-ascii chars from 'stdin' never will 
be converted to utf8, although 'libiconv' is available and featured!
You see that, the 'IRI' module includes 'utf8 convertion' and 'idn encoding'. 
While 'utf8 convertion' requires 'libiconv', and 'idn encoding' requires 
'libidn2' and 'libunistring'.
So, I make the 2 requirements separated, to get as more as possible feature. I 
don't know how to call it. Seems it is half-IRI ;p
Maybe, the codes should be separated into standalone files. I just make it the 
least changes.

I don't have 'libidn2' linked, also don't know whether it works well at this 
part. Any more experienced, please give a review and take more tests.

Also, I noticed the other reported encoding related issue and Tim's conclusion 
(http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-wget/2017-02/msg00127.html). But, I 
haven't included changes on that. Because it is caused by logical consideration 
confused and more complicate. I am trying to figure it out ... Maybe :p
Hoping the encoding related feature can be improved ASAP!

Regards, YX Hao

Attachment: convert-to-utf8-only-needs-libiconv.patch
Description: Binary data

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