
Thanks for your earlier reply. Somehow my /usr/lsd tool chain acquired a libz.a 
but NO libz.so. I renamed them to off.* and the wget2 build succeeded.

I tried to build the original wget from " git clone 
https://git.savannah.gnu.or/git/wget.git wget" but it's failing now. Not the 
libz problem but something different.

Could I get you to take a look at the build log please?

Best regards,


On Friday, January 14, 2022, 04:46:23 PM PST, George R Goffe 
<grgo...@yahoo.com> wrote: 


I'm trying to build wget2 from both the gnu ftp site and from the repository 
and am having trouble with "make install". I'm enclosing the build log. Could I 
get you to take a look at the end of the log and let me know what I'm doing 
wrong please?

Best regards,


Attachment: bld-wget1.log.gz
Description: application/gzip

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