On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 09:30:25AM +0200, o...@omarpolo.com wrote:
> >Synopsis:    drm errors in dmesg and X freezes
> >Category:    system
> >Environment:
>       System      : OpenBSD 7.0
>       Details     : OpenBSD 7.0 (GENERIC.MP) #221: Sat Sep 18 11:37:50 MDT 
> 2021
> dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP
>       Architecture: OpenBSD.amd64
>       Machine     : amd64
> >Description:
>       I guess this is nothing new, but I have some X freezes with
>       amdgpu(4).

Yes, this problem has persisted across multiple major drm versions.
It can be triggered by running piglit from ports but isn't related
to a particular test.  Running piglit with -1 to disable concurrent
tests does not trigger it.

>       The system is still responsive (i.e. audio works and I can ssh
>       into the machine), but X stays frozen.  Sometimes I can move
>       the mouse, not always, and when happens the shape of it doesn't
>       change.  I'm unable to change tty.  Restarting xenodm fails.
>       The timing feels random.  It can never happen in a day, or even
>       in a streak (i.e. freeze, reboot, freezes again after N
>       minutes, reboot, ...) but it's rarer.
>       This seems to be slightly related to some drm errors logged to
>       the dmesg.  I've seen these message reported without freeze,
>       and freeze without these messages, but most of the time they
>       happen when there's a freeze.
>       I've just had a freeze with this logged to dmesg:
> [drm] *ERROR* ring sdma0 timeout, signaled seq=975, emitted seq=975
> [drm] *ERROR* Process information: process  pid 0 thread  pid 0
> [drm] *ERROR* ring sdma0 timeout, signaled seq=1649, emitted seq=1649
> [drm] *ERROR* Process information: process  pid 0 thread  pid 0
>       Yesterday I got  (yep, without a newline before the second
>       ``[drm]'', dunno if it's important)
> [drm] *ERROR* Waiting for fences timed out![drm] *ERROR* ring sdma0 timeout 
> signaled seq=2733, emitted seq=2733
> [drm] *ERROR* Process information: process  pid 0 thread  pid 0
>       and from what I recall the message is always the timeout (with
>       different seq number every time ofc, but the signaled seq
>       number and the emitted seq is always the same)
> >How-To-Repeat:
>       I don't know.  If feels random.  I usually have a bunch of
>       emacs frames and xterm windows open in cwm, with a firefox or
>       chrome window, gajim and mpv playing music.  Sometimes I have a
>       vm running, but it doesn't seem to trigger/avoid the freeze.
>       I've had the *impression* that some GTK applications have more
>       chances of triggering these freezes.  I've switched from dino
>       to gajim because I've had several freezes when interacting
>       with its UI (in particular the emoji picker).  NB: this
>       paragraph is complete speculation, I don't have exact data to
>       back up my statement, it just *feels* that way.
>       It seems agostic wrt system load.  I've had some freeze while
>       building some ports, and other when the system was "almost"
>       idle.
> >Fix:
>       No idea, sorry.  Restarting xenodm from ssh result in a
>       failure, and the screen stays frozen.  I can shudown(8)
>       cleanly thought.

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