
I ran into a thread[0] that somehow did seem to suggest some variants
of uthum(4) might be affected by this also, but i don't use/have these
devices, so i didn't look deeper, just saw on misc@ that these still
have users..

URL[1] to the issue on github containing what i think is the fix you'd
need if you care, was referenced on tech@[2], before the fix was there,
unless i looked at the dates wrong, so i was thinking someone should
revisit there.

Reading [1] should be enough for users/devs familiar with the issue.


[0] https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=136844728930246&w=2
[1] https://github.com/edorfaus/TEMPered/issues/39
[2] https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=150715036829680&w=2

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