Kernels compiled with the WITNESS option do not boot on sparc64.   It's
not a size issue since I tried disabling drm to make sure the size did
not grow.

It would help me a lot debugging SMP issues if this could be fixed.  I
don't have the knowledge to do it myself.

Here's the output.  Don't be fooled by the name, I copy the file as
bsd.upgrade to test development kernels:

Boot device: disk  File and args: 
OpenBSD IEEE 1275 Bootblock 2.1
..>> OpenBSD BOOT 1.21

ERROR: /iscsi-hba: No iscsi-network-bootpath property
upgrade detected: switching to /bsd.upgrade
Trying /bsd.upgrade...
Flushbuf error
Booting /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0:a/bsd.upgrade
symbols @ 0xfe41c400 336191+165+477096+306048 start=0x1000000
[ using 1120528 bytes of bsd ELF symbol table ]
ERROR: Last Trap: Fast Data Access MMU Miss

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