On Mon, Apr 09, 2018 at 12:56:04AM +0200, Klemens Nanni wrote:
> Following the EXAMPLES section in ldomctl(8) to the letter, ldomctl
> dumps core when issuing the `init-system' command for an already
> existing logical domain configuration.
> How to reproduce on a T5220 running latest snapshots (transscript):
>       # ldomctl list
>       factory-default [current]
>       # mkdir factory-default
>       # cd factory-default
>       # ldomctl dump
>       # cd ..
>       # cp -R factory-default openbsd
>       # cd openbsd
>       # cat >ldom.conf
>               domain puffy {
>               vcpu 8
>               memory 2G
>               vdisk "/home/kn/puffy.img"
>               vnet
>       }
>       # ldomctl init-system ldom.conf
>       # vi ldom.conf # adjust
>       # ldomctl init-system ldom.conf
>       Segmentation fault
> Sorry for the sparse report: wanted to report this before monday but the
> machine is down already.

We'd need at least a traceback from the debugger to do anything about this.

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