"Greg A. Woods" wrote:
> At the same time I was testing NMAP against BIND-9.1.0 it seems I wacked
> my snmpd too (that was with 'nmap -O -sT proven').  The last thing it
> uttered was:
> Feb  6 13:28:18 proven ucd-snmp[285]: [smux_accept] accepted fd 11 - errno 0
> That's from NET-SNMP 4.1.2 built from NetBSD's pkgsrc/net/ucd-snmp
> module on NetBSD-1.5F (approx.) i386.  The .build_info contains:

Could not reproduce this using nmap V. 2.54BETA7
against RedHat Linux 6.1 machine hosting
current release of ucd-snmp-4.2.

-Mike Slifcak, Internet Security Systems, Inc.

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