

[yujie.jay] Provided handling for offer operation updates.

[yujie.jay] Added test helpers for storage operations.

[yujie.jay] Added a test for resource conversion using a resource provider.

[...truncated 27.50 MB...]
3: I1113 18:53:33.640727 15959 credentials.hpp:37] Loading credentials for 
authentication from 
3: I1113 18:53:33.640957 15960 scheduler.cpp:496] New master detected at 
3: I1113 18:53:33.640987 15960 scheduler.cpp:505] Waiting for 0ns before 
initiating a re-(connection) attempt with the master
3: I1113 18:53:33.641084 15959 http.cpp:1045] Creating default 'basic' HTTP 
authenticator for realm 'mesos-agent-readonly'
3: I1113 18:53:33.641340 15959 http.cpp:1045] Creating default 'basic' HTTP 
authenticator for realm 'mesos-agent-readwrite'
3: I1113 18:53:33.643525 15959 slave.cpp:593] Agent resources: 
3: I1113 18:53:33.644001 15959 slave.cpp:601] Agent attributes: [  ]
3: I1113 18:53:33.644184 15959 slave.cpp:610] Agent hostname: 31a1baf69388
3: I1113 18:53:33.644901 15961 status_update_manager.cpp:177] Pausing sending 
status updates
3: I1113 18:53:33.645581 15970 scheduler.cpp:387] Connected with the master at
3: I1113 18:53:33.646831 15959 state.cpp:64] Recovering state from 
3: I1113 18:53:33.647420 15974 scheduler.cpp:249] Sending SUBSCRIBE call to
3: I1113 18:53:33.649426 15963 status_update_manager.cpp:203] Recovering status 
update manager
3: I1113 18:53:33.649899 15975 process.cpp:3925] Handling HTTP event for 
process 'master' with path: '/master/api/v1/scheduler'
3: I1113 18:53:33.650017 15963 slave.cpp:6432] Finished recovery
3: I1113 18:53:33.651111 15963 slave.cpp:1007] New master detected at 
3: I1113 18:53:33.651223 15963 slave.cpp:1042] Detecting new master
3: I1113 18:53:33.651252 15957 status_update_manager.cpp:177] Pausing sending 
status updates
3: I1113 18:53:33.651931 15963 http.cpp:1185] HTTP POST for 
/master/api/v1/scheduler from
3: I1113 18:53:33.652226 15963 master.cpp:2613] Received subscription request 
for HTTP framework 'default'
3: I1113 18:53:33.652339 15963 master.cpp:2278] Authorizing framework principal 
'test-principal' to receive offers for roles '{ * }'
3: I1113 18:53:33.652997 15973 master.cpp:2749] Subscribing framework 'default' 
with checkpointing disabled and capabilities [ RESERVATION_REFINEMENT ]
3: I1113 18:53:33.653918 15964 hierarchical.cpp:303] Added framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.654199 15964 hierarchical.cpp:1450] Performed allocation for 
0 agents in 91774ns
3: I1113 18:53:33.655678 15972 scheduler.cpp:741] Enqueuing event SUBSCRIBED 
received from
3: I1113 18:53:33.656280 15972 scheduler.cpp:741] Enqueuing event HEARTBEAT 
received from
3: I1113 18:53:33.661257 15975 slave.cpp:1069] Authenticating with master 
3: I1113 18:53:33.661348 15975 slave.cpp:1078] Using default CRAM-MD5 
3: I1113 18:53:33.661701 15975 authenticatee.cpp:121] Creating new client SASL 
3: I1113 18:53:33.662102 15975 master.cpp:8286] Authenticating 
3: I1113 18:53:33.662394 15975 authenticator.cpp:414] Starting authentication 
session for crammd5-authenticatee(1389)@
3: I1113 18:53:33.662883 15970 authenticator.cpp:98] Creating new server SASL 
3: I1113 18:53:33.663230 15970 authenticatee.cpp:213] Received SASL 
authentication mechanisms: CRAM-MD5
3: I1113 18:53:33.663295 15970 authenticatee.cpp:239] Attempting to 
authenticate with mechanism 'CRAM-MD5'
3: I1113 18:53:33.663455 15970 authenticator.cpp:204] Received SASL 
authentication start
3: I1113 18:53:33.663738 15970 authenticator.cpp:326] Authentication requires 
more steps
3: I1113 18:53:33.663975 15960 authenticatee.cpp:259] Received SASL 
authentication step
3: I1113 18:53:33.664108 15960 authenticator.cpp:232] Received SASL 
authentication step
3: I1113 18:53:33.664140 15960 auxprop.cpp:109] Request to lookup properties 
for user: 'test-principal' realm: '31a1baf69388' server FQDN: '31a1baf69388' 
3: I1113 18:53:33.664155 15960 auxprop.cpp:181] Looking up auxiliary property 
3: I1113 18:53:33.664201 15960 auxprop.cpp:181] Looking up auxiliary property 
3: I1113 18:53:33.664225 15960 auxprop.cpp:109] Request to lookup properties 
for user: 'test-principal' realm: '31a1baf69388' server FQDN: '31a1baf69388' 
3: I1113 18:53:33.664237 15960 auxprop.cpp:131] Skipping auxiliary property 
'*userPassword' since SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID == true
3: I1113 18:53:33.664244 15960 auxprop.cpp:131] Skipping auxiliary property 
'*cmusaslsecretCRAM-MD5' since SASL_AUXPROP_AUTHZID == true
3: I1113 18:53:33.664261 15960 authenticator.cpp:318] Authentication success
3: I1113 18:53:33.664399 15971 authenticatee.cpp:299] Authentication success
3: I1113 18:53:33.664418 15979 master.cpp:8316] Successfully authenticated 
principal 'test-principal' at slave(752)@
3: I1113 18:53:33.664512 15976 authenticator.cpp:432] Authentication session 
cleanup for crammd5-authenticatee(1389)@
3: I1113 18:53:33.664644 15960 slave.cpp:1161] Successfully authenticated with 
master master@
3: I1113 18:53:33.664942 15960 slave.cpp:1682] Will retry registration in 
1.303157ms if necessary
3: I1113 18:53:33.665230 15972 master.cpp:6033] Received register agent message 
from slave(752)@ (31a1baf69388)
3: I1113 18:53:33.665395 15972 master.cpp:3871] Authorizing agent with 
principal 'test-principal'
3: I1113 18:53:33.665832 15972 master.cpp:6093] Authorized registration of 
agent at slave(752)@ (31a1baf69388)
3: I1113 18:53:33.665944 15972 master.cpp:6186] Registering agent at 
slave(752)@ (31a1baf69388) with id 
3: I1113 18:53:33.666414 15972 registrar.cpp:495] Applied 1 operations in 
62001ns; attempting to update the registry
3: I1113 18:53:33.666967 15972 registrar.cpp:552] Successfully updated the 
registry in 501760ns
3: I1113 18:53:33.667194 15972 master.cpp:6233] Admitted agent 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at slave(752)@ 
3: I1113 18:53:33.667603 15964 slave.cpp:1682] Will retry registration in 
5.380151ms if necessary
3: I1113 18:53:33.667933 15964 slave.cpp:1207] Registered with master 
master@; given agent ID f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0
3: I1113 18:53:33.668117 15965 status_update_manager.cpp:184] Resuming sending 
status updates
3: I1113 18:53:33.668309 15975 hierarchical.cpp:593] Added agent 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 (31a1baf69388) with cpus:2; mem:1024; 
disk:1024; ports:[31000-32000] (allocated: {})
3: I1113 18:53:33.668406 15964 slave.cpp:1227] Checkpointing SlaveInfo to 
3: I1113 18:53:33.668925 15964 slave.cpp:1295] Forwarding total oversubscribed 
resources {}
3: I1113 18:53:33.667760 15972 master.cpp:6264] Registered agent 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at slave(752)@ 
(31a1baf69388) with 
3: I1113 18:53:33.669322 15972 master.cpp:6033] Received register agent message 
from slave(752)@ (31a1baf69388)
3: I1113 18:53:33.669474 15972 master.cpp:3871] Authorizing agent with 
principal 'test-principal'
3: I1113 18:53:33.669785 15972 master.cpp:7065] Received update of agent 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at slave(752)@ 
(31a1baf69388) with total oversubscribed resources {}
3: I1113 18:53:33.670084 15972 master.cpp:7083] Ignoring update on agent 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at slave(752)@ 
(31a1baf69388) as it reports no changes
3: I1113 18:53:33.670147 15975 hierarchical.cpp:1450] Performed allocation for 
1 agents in 1.606178ms
3: I1113 18:53:33.671141 15972 master.cpp:8116] Sending 1 offers to framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (default)
3: I1113 18:53:33.671818 15972 master.cpp:6093] Authorized registration of 
agent at slave(752)@ (31a1baf69388)
3: I1113 18:53:33.671903 15972 master.cpp:6164] Agent 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at slave(752)@ 
(31a1baf69388) already registered, resending acknowledgement
3: W1113 18:53:33.672111 15971 slave.cpp:1262] Already registered with master 
3: I1113 18:53:33.672291 15971 slave.cpp:1295] Forwarding total oversubscribed 
resources {}
3: I1113 18:53:33.672698 15971 master.cpp:7065] Received update of agent 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at slave(752)@ 
(31a1baf69388) with total oversubscribed resources {}
3: I1113 18:53:33.673072 15971 master.cpp:7083] Ignoring update on agent 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at slave(752)@ 
(31a1baf69388) as it reports no changes
3: I1113 18:53:33.673939 15960 scheduler.cpp:741] Enqueuing event OFFERS 
received from
3: I1113 18:53:33.677029 15957 scheduler.cpp:249] Sending ACCEPT call to
3: I1113 18:53:33.679813 15964 process.cpp:3925] Handling HTTP event for 
process 'master' with path: '/master/api/v1/scheduler'
3: I1113 18:53:33.681550 15971 http.cpp:1185] HTTP POST for 
/master/api/v1/scheduler from
3: I1113 18:53:33.682996 15971 master.cpp:10016] Removing offer 
3: I1113 18:53:33.683243 15971 master.cpp:4229] Processing ACCEPT call for 
offers: [ f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-O0 ] on agent 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at slave(752)@ 
(31a1baf69388) for framework f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (default)
3: I1113 18:53:33.683557 15971 master.cpp:3598] Authorizing framework principal 
'test-principal' to launch task 02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681
3: W1113 18:53:33.686964 15971 validation.cpp:1404] Executor 'default' for task 
'02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681' uses less CPUs (None) than the minimum 
required (0.01). Please update your executor, as this will be mandatory in 
future releases.
3: W1113 18:53:33.687127 15971 validation.cpp:1416] Executor 'default' for task 
'02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681' uses less memory (None) than the minimum 
required (32MB). Please update your executor, as this will be mandatory in 
future releases.
3: I1113 18:53:33.688190 15971 master.cpp:10762] Adding task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 with resources 
 on agent f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at 
slave(752)@ (31a1baf69388)
3: I1113 18:53:33.689304 15971 master.cpp:4977] Launching task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (default) with resources 
 on agent f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at 
slave(752)@ (31a1baf69388)
3: I1113 18:53:33.690484 15971 slave.cpp:1803] Got assigned task 
'02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681' for framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.691551 15971 slave.cpp:2071] Authorizing task 
'02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681' for framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.691787 15971 slave.cpp:7253] Authorizing framework principal 
'test-principal' to launch task 02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681
3: I1113 18:53:33.693001 15978 slave.cpp:2239] Launching task 
'02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681' for framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.694198 15978 paths.cpp:605] Trying to chown 
 to user 'mesos'
3: I1113 18:53:33.694501 15978 slave.cpp:7727] Launching executor 'default' of 
framework f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 with resources [] in work 
3: I1113 18:53:33.695256 15978 slave.cpp:2930] Launching container 
16497054-434d-4e06-8503-5c47912b5554 for executor 'default' of framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.695753 15978 slave.cpp:2467] Queued task 
'02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681' for executor 'default' of framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.695868 15978 slave.cpp:958] Successfully attached 
 to virtual path 
3: I1113 18:53:33.695921 15978 slave.cpp:958] Successfully attached 
 to virtual path 
3: I1113 18:53:33.695963 15978 slave.cpp:958] Successfully attached 
 to virtual path 
3: I1113 18:53:33.698901 15968 executor.cpp:192] Version: 1.5.0
3: W1113 18:53:33.698961 15968 process.cpp:3178] Attempted to spawn already 
running process version@
3: I1113 18:53:33.702201 15975 executor.cpp:410] Connected with the agent
3: I1113 18:53:33.703698 15974 executor.cpp:307] Sending SUBSCRIBE call to
3: I1113 18:53:33.705265 15967 process.cpp:3925] Handling HTTP event for 
process 'slave(752)' with path: '/slave(752)/api/v1/executor'
3: I1113 18:53:33.706699 15965 http.cpp:1185] HTTP POST for 
/slave(752)/api/v1/executor from
3: I1113 18:53:33.706953 15965 slave.cpp:3865] Received Subscribe request for 
HTTP executor 'default' of framework f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000
3: I1113 18:53:33.708572 15976 slave.cpp:2669] Sending queued task 
'02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681' to executor 'default' of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (via HTTP)
3: I1113 18:53:33.710867 15975 executor.cpp:725] Enqueuing event SUBSCRIBED 
received from
3: I1113 18:53:33.712069 15975 executor.cpp:725] Enqueuing event LAUNCH 
received from
3: I1113 18:53:33.713004 15977 executor.cpp:307] Sending UPDATE call to
3: I1113 18:53:33.714303 15967 process.cpp:3925] Handling HTTP event for 
process 'slave(752)' with path: '/slave(752)/api/v1/executor'
3: I1113 18:53:33.717901 15968 http.cpp:1185] HTTP POST for 
/slave(752)/api/v1/executor from
3: I1113 18:53:33.718101 15968 slave.cpp:4517] Handling status update 
TASK_RUNNING (UUID: fa718364-6d1b-4d0e-a311-1c18bad0882a) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.718880 15973 status_update_manager.cpp:323] Received status 
update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: fa718364-6d1b-4d0e-a311-1c18bad0882a) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.718927 15973 status_update_manager.cpp:500] Creating 
StatusUpdate stream for task 02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.719434 15973 status_update_manager.cpp:377] Forwarding update 
TASK_RUNNING (UUID: fa718364-6d1b-4d0e-a311-1c18bad0882a) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 to the agent
3: I1113 18:53:33.719790 15969 slave.cpp:4998] Forwarding the update 
TASK_RUNNING (UUID: fa718364-6d1b-4d0e-a311-1c18bad0882a) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 to master@
3: I1113 18:53:33.720036 15969 slave.cpp:4892] Status update manager 
successfully handled status update TASK_RUNNING (UUID: 
fa718364-6d1b-4d0e-a311-1c18bad0882a) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.720412 15980 master.cpp:7248] Status update TASK_RUNNING 
(UUID: fa718364-6d1b-4d0e-a311-1c18bad0882a) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 from agent 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at slave(752)@ 
3: I1113 18:53:33.720499 15980 master.cpp:7310] Forwarding status update 
TASK_RUNNING (UUID: fa718364-6d1b-4d0e-a311-1c18bad0882a) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.720962 15980 master.cpp:9503] Updating the state of task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (latest state: TASK_RUNNING, status 
update state: TASK_RUNNING)
3: I1113 18:53:33.721701 15970 executor.cpp:725] Enqueuing event ACKNOWLEDGED 
received from
3: I1113 18:53:33.722743 15978 scheduler.cpp:741] Enqueuing event UPDATE 
received from
3: I1113 18:53:33.724056 15980 scheduler.cpp:249] Sending ACKNOWLEDGE call to
3: I1113 18:53:33.725489 15977 scheduler.cpp:249] Sending KILL call to
3: I1113 18:53:33.725791 15957 process.cpp:3925] Handling HTTP event for 
process 'master' with path: '/master/api/v1/scheduler'
3: I1113 18:53:33.764114 15974 process.cpp:3925] Handling HTTP event for 
process 'master' with path: '/master/api/v1/scheduler'
3: I1113 18:53:33.764853 15974 http.cpp:1185] HTTP POST for 
/master/api/v1/scheduler from
3: I1113 18:53:33.765316 15974 master.cpp:5792] Processing ACKNOWLEDGE call 
fa718364-6d1b-4d0e-a311-1c18bad0882a for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (default) on agent 
3: I1113 18:53:33.765826 15972 status_update_manager.cpp:395] Received status 
update acknowledgement (UUID: fa718364-6d1b-4d0e-a311-1c18bad0882a) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.766114 15980 http.cpp:1185] HTTP POST for 
/master/api/v1/scheduler from
3: I1113 18:53:33.766237 15961 slave.cpp:3801] Status update manager 
successfully handled status update acknowledgement (UUID: 
fa718364-6d1b-4d0e-a311-1c18bad0882a) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.766346 15980 master.cpp:5610] Processing KILL call for task 
'02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681' of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (default)
3: I1113 18:53:33.766428 15980 master.cpp:5684] Telling agent 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at slave(752)@ 
(31a1baf69388) to kill task 02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (default)
3: I1113 18:53:33.766594 15962 slave.cpp:3003] Asked to kill task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.768363 15977 executor.cpp:725] Enqueuing event KILL received 
3: I1113 18:53:33.769281 15969 executor.cpp:307] Sending UPDATE call to
3: I1113 18:53:33.770993 15968 process.cpp:3925] Handling HTTP event for 
process 'slave(752)' with path: '/slave(752)/api/v1/executor'
3: I1113 18:53:33.814483 15980 http.cpp:1185] HTTP POST for 
/slave(752)/api/v1/executor from
3: I1113 18:53:33.814857 15980 slave.cpp:4517] Handling status update 
TASK_KILLED (UUID: c07f666a-cfb3-43a9-b3b9-a6f5ec0326a7) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.816072 15980 status_update_manager.cpp:323] Received status 
update TASK_KILLED (UUID: c07f666a-cfb3-43a9-b3b9-a6f5ec0326a7) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.816241 15980 status_update_manager.cpp:377] Forwarding update 
TASK_KILLED (UUID: c07f666a-cfb3-43a9-b3b9-a6f5ec0326a7) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 to the agent
3: I1113 18:53:33.816596 15980 slave.cpp:4998] Forwarding the update 
TASK_KILLED (UUID: c07f666a-cfb3-43a9-b3b9-a6f5ec0326a7) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 to master@
3: I1113 18:53:33.817095 15967 master.cpp:7248] Status update TASK_KILLED 
(UUID: c07f666a-cfb3-43a9-b3b9-a6f5ec0326a7) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 from agent 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at slave(752)@ 
3: I1113 18:53:33.817190 15980 slave.cpp:4892] Status update manager 
successfully handled status update TASK_KILLED (UUID: 
c07f666a-cfb3-43a9-b3b9-a6f5ec0326a7) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.817215 15967 master.cpp:7310] Forwarding status update 
TASK_KILLED (UUID: c07f666a-cfb3-43a9-b3b9-a6f5ec0326a7) for task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.820895 15967 master.cpp:9503] Updating the state of task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (latest state: TASK_KILLED, status 
update state: TASK_KILLED)
3: I1113 18:53:33.821401 15973 executor.cpp:725] Enqueuing event ACKNOWLEDGED 
received from
3: I1113 18:53:33.822554 15959 scheduler.cpp:741] Enqueuing event UPDATE 
received from
3: I1113 18:53:33.822693 15976 hierarchical.cpp:1125] Recovered cpus(allocated: 
*):2; mem(allocated: *):1024; disk(allocated: *):1024; ports(allocated: 
*):[31000-32000] (total: cpus:2; mem:1024; disk:1024; ports:[31000-32000], 
allocated: {}) on agent f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 from framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.825253 15965 master.cpp:1423] Framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (default) disconnected
3: I1113 18:53:33.825284 15965 master.cpp:3332] Deactivating framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (default)
3: I1113 18:53:33.825358 15965 master.cpp:3309] Disconnecting framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (default)
3: I1113 18:53:33.825388 15965 master.cpp:1438] Giving framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (default) 0ns to failover
3: I1113 18:53:33.825502 15968 hierarchical.cpp:412] Deactivated framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.827546 15961 master.cpp:7948] Framework failover timeout, 
removing framework f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (default)
3: I1113 18:53:33.827577 15961 master.cpp:8805] Removing framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (default)
3: I1113 18:53:33.827780 15961 master.cpp:9503] Updating the state of task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (latest state: TASK_KILLED, status 
update state: TASK_KILLED)
3: I1113 18:53:33.827811 15961 master.cpp:9597] Removing task 
02afba5f-9847-494d-bd87-5b84387b0681 with resources 
 of framework f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 on agent 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at slave(752)@ 
3: I1113 18:53:33.828624 15961 master.cpp:9626] Removing executor 'default' 
with resources [] of framework f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 on 
agent f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at slave(752)@ 
3: I1113 18:53:33.829478 15976 hierarchical.cpp:355] Removed framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.829784 15961 slave.cpp:3267] Asked to shut down framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 by master@
3: I1113 18:53:33.829951 15961 slave.cpp:3292] Shutting down framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.830194 15961 slave.cpp:5865] Shutting down executor 'default' 
of framework f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (via HTTP)
3: I1113 18:53:33.831535 15965 executor.cpp:725] Enqueuing event SHUTDOWN 
received from
3: I1113 18:53:33.832612 15976 slave.cpp:5530] Executor 'default' of framework 
f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 exited with status 0
3: I1113 18:53:33.832799 15976 slave.cpp:5634] Cleaning up executor 'default' 
of framework f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 (via HTTP)
3: W1113 18:53:33.832931 15974 master.cpp:7454] Ignoring unknown exited 
executor 'default' of framework f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-0000 on 
agent f5de952f-b132-4566-9efe-7827050b68ab-S0 at slave(752)@ 
3: I*** Aborted at 1510599213 (unix time) try "date -d @1510599213" if you are 
using GNU date ***
3: 1113 18:53:33.833322 15976 slave.cpp:5741] Cleaning up framework 
3: I1113 18:53:33.833536 15962 gc.cpp:90] Scheduling 
 for gc 6.99999035869333days in the future
3: I1113 18:53:33.834970 15976 slave.cpp:883] Agent terminating
3: PC: @          0x23ca8d7 
3: *** SIGSEGV (@0x7f6e157b2753) received by PID 15956 (TID 0x7f6e052ed700) 
from PID 360392531; stack trace: ***
3:     @     0x7f6e1440c5e0 (unknown)
3:     @          0x23ca8d7 
3:     @           0xd5427b 
3:     @           0xd47040 
3:     @           0xd3a6e7 
3:     @           0xd730a9 std::_Mem_fn<>::operator()<>()
3:     @           0xd63364 
3:     @           0xd546aa 
3:     @           0xd474ac std::_Function_handler<>::_M_invoke()
3:     @     0x7f6e1b23f6fd std::function<>::operator()()
3:     @     0x7f6e1b237e24 process::AsyncExecutorProcess::execute<>()
3:     @     0x7f6e1b237fa6 
3:     @     0x7f6e1b24f799 
3:     @     0x7f6e1b24c440 
3:     @     0x7f6e1b2469b7 
3:     @     0x7f6e15782903 std::function<>::operator()()
3:     @     0x7f6e157559d3 process::ProcessBase::visit()
3:     @     0x7f6e15763a24 process::DispatchEvent::visit()
3:     @           0xcae6c4 process::ProcessBase::serve()
3:     @     0x7f6e15752b34 process::ProcessManager::resume()
3:     @     0x7f6e1574ef0e 
3:     @     0x7f6e157618fe 
3:     @     0x7f6e15761842 
3:     @     0x7f6e157617cc 
3:     @     0x7f6e10f4b2b0 (unknown)
3:     @     0x7f6e14404e25 start_thread
3:     @     0x7f6e106b334d __clone
3/3 Test #3: MesosTests .......................***Exception: SegFault315.26 sec

67% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 3

Total Test time (real) = 329.54 sec

The following tests FAILED:
          3 - MesosTests (SEGFAULT)
Errors while running CTest
make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/check] Error 8
make[3]: Leaving directory `/mesos/build'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/mesos/build'
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/check.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/check.dir/rule] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mesos/build'
make: *** [check] Error 2
+ docker rmi mesos-1510597168-8535
Untagged: mesos-1510597168-8535:latest
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Deleted: sha256:8d7430f8b35d6afd30bb0c8122f64332714ab1b7027d870d86cfa5d4a4355f1b
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
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