Dear All,

I have experienced a memory leakage when i use busybox-1.14.1 on Snapgear 
linux( for leon architecture) (kernel  I am not quite sure that if 
this is a busybox problem or kernel. The problem is as follows:

when we run the following script in busybox (ash) , the memory leak appears , 
and kill all mem at end.
while [ 1 ];
    GATEWAY=`iproute | grep default | awk '{print $3}'


Of course   we are not going to run this script in an endless loop without 
sleep, but we run it in specific periods of time.  
Note1: when we run "iproute | grep default " with out awk and GATEWAY  variable 
THERE IS NO memory leakage.
Note2: when we run "iproute | grep default | awk'{print$3}' without saving it 
in GATEWAY variable there is memory leakage.
Note3: when we run "iproute | grep default" and save its out put in GATEWAY 
variable THERE IS memory leakage.
we have checked busybox 1.15.3 and we faced the same problem.

Is it a kernel or busybox shell problem?

Thanks  in Advance.
Amin Farajian

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