Dear fellow "hamsters"

The Greater Houston Hamfest is just days away now so it's time to firm up plans 
for your involvement. To that end, I hope you'll take this moment to click on 
the included link: to schedule your on-air 
fun during the event (now the largest hamfest in Texas).  There are three slots 
for each time so nobody has to call CQ for a full hour. You can do 20 minutes 
on air and then take a few minutes to help another person get on the air under 
your licensed supervision.
We will provide you with a CQ script to follow using the club callsign KK5W so 
it will be easy to sound in-touch and engaged. We'll also provide a list of 
talking points to give you things to brag about while you're on the air. Call 
me or email me using my connections on the club member roster at if 
you have questions.
I know this is going to be fun, so let's jump in and make it memorable. Please 
make a small commitment of time right now. I know you will have a good 
experience while you're telling the world about a club and an event to be proud 

73, JP Pritchard, K5JPP

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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