Greetings BVARCians,

I hope you are planning to attend the upcoming Greater Houston Hamfest during 
the first weekend of March. BVARC will be operating a KK5W Special Event HF 
station in the main hall at the hamfest venue. To that end, I am inviting you 
to participate on Friday afternoon and evening and/or Saturday. All license 
levels can participate.

We’ll be using Bill Cordell’s new mobile beam antenna platform, which can 
operate on most of the HF bands at a max elevation of 40 ft. This is a great 
time to snag your preferred operating time(s).  Just go here to sign up:

If you have questions, my contact info is up to date on the BVARC roster.

Looking forward to a great GHHF,

73, JP, K5JPP

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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