On December 11th, there will be a field trip for the Houston area amateur radio groups to tour the Senior Road broadcast facility.

The Senior Road facility is located in the Missouri City area in what most call the antenna farm. Radio stations KKBQ 92.9, KTBZ-FM 94.5, KKHH 95.7, KHMX 96.5, KBXX 97.9, KODA 99.1, KILT-FM 100.3, KLOL 101.1 and KRBE 104.1 all use the Senior Road Tower as their primary transmitting facility. The tower was named after a back road to the Houston tower antenna farm, though Senior Road really does not have a physical connection to the tower location.

The tower has wrap-around outside platforms at 900, 1100 and 1400 feet on the tower. The platforms support antennas and equipment cabinets used by various two way radio systems and remote pickup unit (RPU) receivers for radio broadcasters.


Elevation of Site Above Mean Sea Level: 24.1 metres (79 ft)
Overall Height Above Ground (AGL): 600.7 metres (1,971 ft)
Overall Height Above Mean Sea Level: 624.5 metres (2,049 ft)
Overall Height Above Ground w/o Appurtenances: 569.8 metres (1,869 ft)

The event will start at 10am on Saturday December 11th. sandwiches and refreshments will be provided. We are limited to the amount of people we can have on site, so we have a signup sheet.

Please signup using this Google From https://forms.gle/STXp5x6WdPLzUiG17

You can contact me if you have any questions n...@arrl.net


Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club

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