On Mon, 5 Feb 2018, David Hotham wrote:

I notice that while you are saying that you don't consider yourself senior enough to make such decisions, Daniel has expressed his hope that others will step up... it seems to me that we have a square peg and a square hole here! If you and the other maintainers are willing, may I suggest that considering yourself sufficiently senior could be a real help in widening the bottleneck?

I'm certainly *for* letting more people in to get commit access in order to make things happen. I don't think we gain anything by setting the bar for this too high.

That said, even without anyone new getting any more access though, it will help a lot if we all just help out with testing, reviewing and commenting on issues and pull-requests so that they who can merge them get more feedback and information about their general status.


 / daniel.haxx.se

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