[cafe] Re: An Andorra amateur

2002-04-10 Por tema E. J. Jewell
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Glenn G Dahlem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes >Interestingly, it's the 2 former Cold War enemies that are beginning to >boost tourism to Andorra. Americans, too are just discovering Andorra as >a tourist destination, as are the Russians. My wife & I sure enjoyed the

[cafe] Re: An Andorra amateur

2002-04-10 Por tema Glenn G Dahlem
Interestingly, it's the 2 former Cold War enemies that are beginning to boost tourism to Andorra. Americans, too are just discovering Andorra as a tourist destination, as are the Russians. My wife & I sure enjoyed the land of "money, money & more money!" Glenn G

[cafe] Re: An Andorra amateur

2002-04-10 Por tema Jordi Robert-Ribes (AndorraWEB)
Hola Artyom, Encatat de coneixer-te. (Nice knowing you!) Here are some replies to your questions. I'm sure other people from AndorraWEB's Cafe will be able to contribute other replies. But first , one question ;-) Why did you become interested in Andorra? >-philately; I recommend you

[cafe] Campionat trepitja-neu / Snow-grooming Champions

2002-04-10 Por tema AndorraWEB Novetats/News
[english below] Maquines Trepitjaneu Soldeu va acollir el Campionat de Maquines Trepitjaneu... http://andorraweb.com/aw/index_ca.php3#1 .. AndorraWEB http://andorraweb.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[cafe] borsa de treball

2002-04-10 Por tema foremast
Hola soc en Johann, aquest es un missatge a tots els andorrans, si hi ha algú que l' interesi un enginyer de sistemas com a comercial que m'ho faci saber i l' envio un CV. Thanks, Johann [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet. http://www.gmx.net

[cafe] An Andorra amateur

2002-04-10 Por tema ëÕÚØÍÉÎÙÈ áÒÔÅÍ å×ÇÅÎØÅ×ÉÞ
Hola, Andorra! I'm from Russia, my name is Artyom, I'm 25 years old. For already many years I am interested in your country, it's a kind of my hobby, in a way:-) Sorry for not using Catalan, I do not speak it, just understand a little, as well as Spanish and French. At the moment I even write