Re: Combining Zend_lucene, Vendors, Component does not my cake make

2009-03-12 Thread Esoteric
If you look at the application that runs the, our wonderful cakephp devs have already made using Zend_Lucene pretty simple, takes a little bit of work to decipher how ot use it, but I am using it on and it works phenominally. If I have time I might write it

Re: I can't use the cookies,how to login use the($this-Auth-login)

2009-02-04 Thread Esoteric
First has the perfect example of how to just get login working, though I think you were saying you have that working. Next, use the session component instead of interacting with php build in session functions this allows everything to stay in

Re: svn or git?

2009-02-03 Thread Esoteric
While the PHP Core team is important, the linux kernel the foundation of most modern linux systems is on git, that should prove something. (just playing devil's advocate to you comment.) On Feb 3, 4:44 am, Dinh wrote: PHP Core Team decides that Subversion is more relevant than

Re: svn or git?

2009-02-03 Thread Esoteric
support. Lots of PHP developers out there do development on Windows right? Subversion may be slower but I find that its performance has been improved significantly in version 1.5. Even with big repositories in Google Code, Subversion 1.4 is fast enough On Feb 3, 8:11 pm, Esoteric erik.kristen

Re: for create home.ctp page

2009-01-30 Thread Esoteric
Not being an ass, but use a text editor? Save the file in the views/pages folder. On Jan 30, 2:18 am, sagu wrote: Hey group  I am just beginner with cake php framework.. So how to create .ctp  file --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received

Re: svn or git?

2009-01-29 Thread Esoteric
In my opinion Git is where it is at and I am glad to see that CakePHP will be moving to Git eventually, because it is vastly superior IMO than SVN plus you don't have to rely on a server to commit changes as it is all local until you wnat to push to a server if you choose to. Enjoy. -Erik On

Re: Shouldn't saveAll remove associated records as well?

2009-01-27 Thread Esoteric
Negative, once again you are not using cake model as it is intended, if you really truely want to have this behavior ... you need to have the following setup ... tables --- articles tags articles_tags associations article HABTM tag tags HABTM article set the unique

Re: CakePHP / MIT License - Cake free for bundling with my application?

2009-01-27 Thread Esoteric
My understand is that is fine as long as you leave all copyrights in place for the cakephp library portion (the stuff in the cake directory). Gwoo or phpnut might be able to provide further insight. -Erik On Jan 27, 10:36 am, Arne-Kolja Bachstein wrote: Hi, I really

Re: cake tmp files and subversion

2009-01-27 Thread Esoteric
I suggest that everyone starts using git, file ignoring is s much simpler with git, and so is just about everything else about it. Trust me git is where it is at now. On Jan 27, 11:03 am, Tonio wrote: I just started with cakephp and I also stumbled into this problem,

Re: Shouldn't saveAll remove associated records as well?

2009-01-26 Thread Esoteric
As far as I know not in the setup you have going ... if you where using a HABTM with unique = true, then yes that is what would happen. -Erik On Jan 26, 6:10 am, Jelmer wrote: Hi all, I use saveAll to save a 'wordset' and it's associated words. In fact, when reading

Re: Which editor for Mac OS X?

2009-01-23 Thread Esoteric
I have a friend that swears by jEdit since you are looking for free, but its a memory hog. Honest I really really suggestion spending the $60 for TextMate, is by far the best editor for OS X in existence and it is highly customizable too. -Erik On Jan 23, 9:01 am, leo

Re: How I can browse my project in browser

2008-11-12 Thread Esoteric The CakePHP Book is always the best place to look. -Erik On Nov 12, 11:47 am, Eng. Haji Gul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I can't see any thing. Like I browse normally:http://localhost/projectfolder/index.php 1. so how I should

ACL Management in Cake 1.2.x

2008-11-12 Thread Esoteric
I have been using Cake 1.1 for a while now and I had moved to Cake 1.2 a while back for a couple new project ideas, and I never really ran into a problem. However recently I was looking into Authentication and ACLs in Cake 1.2, and while there have been some improvements I have found a lack of

Re: cant change document root on my hosting company

2008-06-16 Thread Esoteric
If you have mod_rewrite enabled and have uploaded app, cake, index.php, and .htaccess to your document root then it should just work, with this being said, since you are still having problems then you probably don't have mod_rewrite available to you. You will need to disable cake from thinking

Re: Pretty urls not working

2008-05-16 Thread Esoteric
Try: (no slash before controller) Let us know. -Erik On May 15, 6:44 pm, Markitusss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, I've been trying to run cake on a godaddy hosting service. mod_rewrite is not  available, so I set up cake to use its Pretty

Re: Newcomer with feedback and question with a concern

2008-05-16 Thread Esoteric
Wow that was a lot of reading. :) I too had wondered why they didn't support multi-column indexing, but I soon gave up on it. It looks like there is a diff patch that might work, so you could always use that if you need. You will definitely need to get with phpnut or gwoo to get the answers you

Re: Session - security.level=high - clsing browser

2008-05-16 Thread Esoteric
You could always play with the session multiplier for high, leave it set to high and play with the multiplier so that it changes the session duration. (it should theoretically work :)) -Erik On May 15, 8:43 pm, Caroz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, I have been looking around for a while now

Re: Cakephp and Zip

2008-05-16 Thread Esoteric
You haven't specified a path to extract to ... On May 16, 9:36 am, Unite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: OS = winXP WAMP = ver 2; I have the following in my cakephp code $zipPath = realpath(.zip); $zip = new ZipArchive; $zip-open($zipPath); $zip-extractTo(); $zip-close(); open

Re: Going live with CakePHP 1.2

2008-05-16 Thread Esoteric
That error states you are trying to call a method on an object that doesn't exist and you are trying to reference Property which doesn't exist in your app_controller.php. So it appears your includes aren't setup right, or you are missing content in your app_controller.php. -Erik On May 16,

Re: ACL Problems

2008-05-16 Thread Esoteric
I stopped using the command line version, I would try using the AclAdmin plugin, it makes administrating the acl system 10x easier in my opinion. Look at for it. -Erik On May 16, 12:19 pm, Stinkbug [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm having a ACL problem in cakephp.  When I try to grant

Re: installing cakephp on a subdomain

2008-05-14 Thread Esoteric
Sorry to hear you are having problems, but your description of your problem doesn't really help us to help you. Can you be more specific as to what is going on? If you want pretty urls you will have mod_rewrite installed for apache and then upload the .htaccess files if in fact they aren't

Re: Routing for plugins: good idea, no implementation

2008-05-12 Thread Esoteric
Just do this in your routes.php Router::($Router-)connect('/pizza/orders/:action/*', array('plugin' = 'pizza', 'controller' = 'PizzaOrders')); In the parathesis is for Cake 1.x, Router:: for Cake 1.2 Regards, -Erik On May 12, 12:05 pm, Jonathan Snook [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I'll go with

Re: Cookbook overhaul proposal

2008-05-12 Thread Esoteric
I am personally a fan of MediaWiki, I am also a fan of the CakePHP team and the hard work they do, either way I think both methods have attractors and detractors. I personally think that your ideas are valid, I too will be interested in seeing what others have to say.  - People could engage in

Re: Session Lost In IE

2008-05-08 Thread Esoteric
Try changing your security setting to medium, see if that fixes your problem. -Erik On May 8, 10:29 am, Marcin Domanski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Whats the session security in cake ? did you try to play with it ? On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:21 AM, bharath kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi

Re: How to access Cake Session Variables from a Stand Alone PHP script

2008-05-08 Thread Esoteric
Well providing your are starting your session and using the same session id, then you should be able to access CURRENT_USER. I am not sure if this will work with database sessions. -Erik On May 8, 2:11 am, bharath kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Sliv, In Login controller i have set the

Re: Cake integration with other app and session

2008-05-08 Thread Esoteric
I second this, I was about to post something here, when I saw this one. I am basically looking to integrate another applications session system into my CakePHP application. The other application be vbulletin. I haven't really began to see what the best way to do this would be but comments from

Re: adv routing questions ....i think

2008-05-07 Thread Esoteric
I don't even see a point to organizing your controllers if the URL isn't going to change, seems pointless because your controllers can still conflict. I think the ticket in question almost makes the feature request worse by not changing the URL and allowing the organization of controllers, but