I'd make them either separate controller actions or a single action that
accepts a parameter and then tidy them up with a route. The controller function
can then either render the view associated with the action(s), specify a view
to render and/or specify a layout.
On 5 Aug 2014, at 20:08, Russell Lewis wrote:
> I'm building an application that serves statistics for a local sports league.
> I'd like to have separate views for the data depending on if the stats are
> form league games or tournaments or just practice. Ideally, a user would go
> to domain.com/tournament/ or /league/ or /practice/ and get directed
> appropriately. Since I want to use different layouts, views, etc for each
> different area but the underlying Models are going to be the same no matter
> what. I'm curious what the CakePHP way would be to accomplish this. My
> thinking right now is to have separate league, tournament and practice
> controllers that don't actually tie to models themselves but just serve to
> encapsulate the different areas of the site. Does that make sense? Is there
> a smarter way to design this? Gotchas or issues that might arise using
> controllers that way?
> Thanks!
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