Dear friends,

 I bring you the opinion of another compatriot on the text:

*"Election in Cambodia: Reflections of a French resident."*



 *-------------------------------------------------- ----- *

  *From:* Chausay
*Sent:* 27 August 2013 10:40
*To Pong* Keuk
*Subject:* Re: @ A {K: 18232} Election in Cambodia: Reflections of a French

 This analysis is just partially. The situation in Cambodia 80 years is
incomparable with that of France 50 years after the Second World War. The
context is not the same culture, the maturity of the people and leaders as
well. Cambodia's monarchy, although it has no real power, it has a royal
government strike the state budget hugely each year. The Cambodian people
is a people about royalty. The recovery of the monarchy, the new form of
feudalism in Cambodia has done much harm than good. Lon Nol has flaws but
it also has reason to abolish slavery and feudalism in this country.

De Gaulle did not allow the millions of allies to settle in France after
World War II. There were phenomena of immigration from Spain, Portugal,
Poland, Italy, Greece .... but the government managed the flow and the more
people there are not étaitent hereditary enemies of France. Here feudalism
is long gone (the French Revolution) In Europe there are rules and laws for
hundreds of years. Mapping each country is dated back several centuries.
It's good to be french and advise on a country that is not his and in a
very different context. Cambodia recently emerged from colonization. The
people are uneducated. Feudalism was still present.

Recall the recent developments. It attributed the killing of Cambodian only
by Cambodian and forget that in refer to reality there was also Viets who
participated (in the background). According to the Cambodian tale:

This is the story of the monkey who put on the mouth of the goat rice and
master pointed out as the culprit which c 'is the goat maigeait rice (goats
normally grazed grasses), while in reality it was the monkey who took
advantage of the absence of his master.

My idea is that I doubt if Rainsy wins, the situation is not better. Is
Rainsy is surrounded by corrupt men not sufficient to run the country. New
forms of weaknesses appear rapidemeent and civil war this time is
inévitable.L 'oppisition will put sticks in the wheels. The intervention is
requested by the Vietminh and losers again. The situation of domination of
one over the other is very bad but what can you do? The situation of
coalition would not know better.

Its opinion on the Chinese profiteers is right but the Chinese do not only
benefit the rich Cambodia but in the world starting with the United States,
African countries, the countries of Europe and the countries of Latin
America. The 21 st century is the century of China, the 19th century as the
century of the industrial revolution of the 20th century American West and

Young people born after 1979 have never known the barbaric regime. They
have not received education (teaching) as young Western or American
countries. They do not even really know the history of country

because they have not learned in school. They did not know that the country
is on life support for decades. Leaders can say what they want eg Cambodia
receives aid without condition and population believes in the divine word.
In cases where the debt is too high and the government can not repay the
country seeks annulment. That is the reality here.


  *From:* [mailto: ] *On Behalf Of* Pong Keuk
*Sent:* 21 August 2013 11:44
*Subject:* @ A {K: 18232} Election in Cambodia: Reflections of a French

 Downstairs there is a reflective of a French.

The author made several trips to Cambodia. And continues to do so.

Friend of the little people, love Cambodia and its culture.

 Its reflection of a page summarizes virtually the social and political
situation of Cambodia.



   [image: Joel Lesoin] <>

s10: 12pm Jul 31

I will make one feel sad about the real winner of these elections.
While it is far from any communist ideology, or just social democrat and he
is well in line with the liberal ...

but the majority of his constituents do not actually vote for him.

If they have postponed their vote on Rainsy is actually against Hun Sen
they voted ... This is understandable and is happy.
Young people who have never known the Khmer Rouge, know that this former
Khmer Rouge who stole

for the benefit of so much wealth in developing corruption, oppressing his
people, by selling off the wealth of his country

(What else is there to buy in Cambodia, but a virtually free hand work).
Young Cambodians are much more educated than before and legitimately aspire
to benefit from the added value of the country.
What saddens me is that the majority of voters voted for Rainsy of his
hatred of the Vietnamese.

Jul 31, 10:13 pm

When I listen, this is EXACTLY the same rhetoric of the French fascist
extreme right against immigrants.

Jul 31, 10:14 pm

While the historical relations with Vietnam are often very painful and I
can understand the fear towards them ...

but if you let them do the Cambodians, they would be able to build
internment camps

for all those Vietnamese who are on their soil.

Jul 31, 10:14 pm

There is nothing built on hatred.
There is nothing built into thinking that the current woes are rooted in
others who become their enemies.
The policy has "nothing will because foreigners" is a demagogic politics,
populist and racist ...
If I had to put images in the current situation, I will present in the
following way:
First picture: a screaming Cambodia and showing his fist in a Vietnamese
accusing all current ills
Second picture: a behind the Chinese who fled Cambodia on his back bags
Cambodian wealth

Jul 31, 10:21 pm

Third picture: the same Cambodia continues to scream against the
Vietnamese, but this time

Cambodian is even thinner, his clothes are worn and torn.

And meanwhile, behind the Chinese took overweight and sits on all wealth
"stolen" in Cambodia!
Cambodia sees the r ie n, it continues to shout against his archenemy while
behind his back,

Chinese was completely stripped.

Jul 31, 10:22 pm

I tried to talk with young people about thirty years, but in vain ...
hatred and irrationality took before [image:]

Jul 31, 10:30 pm

So yes, I am delighted to see the defeat (even if it is not official) of
Hun Sen

because it is a newfound dignity for Cambodians (even in the country!), but
I do not see much future in pink.
My dream is that one day Cambodia can think for himself and stop playing
this unhealthy and destructive game of balance:

a little to the Chinese for a little Thai, a little to the V ietnamese ...

and rebalances when the balance is a little too far to one or the other.

As Cambodia begins to think a p e u more national and not immediately
compared to its neighbors.
It is as if France was rebuilt after the Second World War thinking

the need to control a bit with the G reat B retagne, then a little with the
U.S., then a little with the Germans ...

and each time make rebalancing and never believe just to think that France

Fortunately we had General de Gaulle, even if today things have changed.
I was very happy to communicate with you through this exchange.


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