Lets see, ......there was the Stone Age, and then there was the Bronze age and then there was the Iron age and now there is the Alllluuoooonnnneeeyyymmm age!   So far it looks like every one likes  arruuuummmnnimmm .  
        In Akron, Ohio there is a Aluminum distributor  called the Aluminum Warhouse, that sells at a $15 minimum....... He claimed that he carried a lot of   different high tempered alluneeeymmmm sheet and extrusions but his smallest gauge is 18 which is about a touch under 1/16 of a inch ( 16 guage equals 1/16 ) ......... I intend to make the  rest if the film holder out of allummmeeiiiium  so I guess I will go check it out... I believe he will give cut sizes as well for a small fee... I do not see anything wrong with painting it with  flat black epoxy paint although black anodizing would be  the schnitz......
         I have  access to a lot of printers plates that are made of aluminum and it is very thin.. I  don't know that it would  make a good dark slide though as it is very thin and bends rather easily ...... Any Printer has this stuff in abundance and they scrap most of it after their print job is thru...
       This Sintra  expanded pvc is still worth looking at as well .  It may be a little thick at about 1/8 inch but is very light weight....... I think i will take a piece of sheet film and stick it out in the sun for a while with Sinra covering  it and give it a light leak test....
Regards ,
John Cremati

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