Re: [Caml-list] how (within camlp4 printer) can I traverse AST ?

2012-01-31 Thread Gabriel Scherer
Sig.Ast is the most general structure available, that you use if you
want to manipulate any kind of grammar for Camlp4. If you know the AST
you're manipulating corresponds to an OCaml program, you should use
the more specific Sig.Camlp4Ast signature (as advertized in the
documentation page for Sig.Ast, btw.). Registering a printer for
Sig.Camlp4Ast is done with Register.OcamlPrinter, and if you want to
see a full-blown example of printer, you just have too look at
camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/ in the ocaml source.

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 10:26 PM, Matej Košík
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to write a (camlp4 pluggable) printer.
> My starting-point is this:
> It was easy to figure out that "ast" arguments have type "Ast.sig_item"
> or "Ast.str_item" respectively which are both abstract types
> so I cannot try to match them---I cannot use any of the constructors
> defined in:
> What is thus a proper way of traversing ASTs?
> --
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[Caml-list] how (within camlp4 printer) can I traverse AST ?

2012-01-31 Thread Matej Košík

I would like to write a (camlp4 pluggable) printer.

My starting-point is this:

It was easy to figure out that "ast" arguments have type "Ast.sig_item"
or "Ast.str_item" respectively which are both abstract types
so I cannot try to match them---I cannot use any of the constructors
defined in:

What is thus a proper way of traversing ASTs?

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Re: [Caml-list] SQL engine in OCaml with client side cache

2012-01-31 Thread Gerd Stolpmann

> Caml-list,
> [Gerd Stolpmann wrote]
>> The SQL server "solves" this by deciding on a query strategy beforehand.
> What ??? I thought SQL servers shipped on-the-fly optimizing compilers
> that would evaluate the query and use some heuristics (like table size
> and density) to decide in which order to execute the loops + learning
> on sequences of queries + on-the-fly reindexing.

Yes, but this happens before the query is executed. Once the execution
starts, the plan is not changed anymore.

> [Gerd Stolpmann wrote]
>> (Just as I side note: Missing scalability has always been a problem for
>> SQL databases. Currently, many companies go away from this technology
>> for their giant data warehouses just because of this. Of course, these
>> are not read-only, but read-write, but even having read-only scalability
>> would be a big achievement.)
> Mmm... I thought relational databases were a universal object, in the
> mathematical sense meaning any other object maps into them. What do
> they use if not relational databases ?

Well, this is the NoSQL world (=not-only SQL). In short:

 - You accept that you store data in non-normal form. In SQL
   the preferred model is to store one information only once,
   and to do all joins at query time. In NoSQL it is usual to
   repeat information to avoid joins, even if this means that
   updates become more complicated.
 - On the technology side, you use alternate data stores like
   distributed key/value stores or column-based stores. At
   least at query time.
 - For preparing data, one of the new technologies is map/reduce.
   Basically it's a massively scalable form of sorting data.

Of course, this is all not as universal as the good old SQL world.
Especially it is a non-match for OLTP. But if you can separate data
preparation from data querying, it's an option that opens the door to
almost infinite scalability. It's what the web-2.0 companies use.

>> And an ugly parser :-(
> You don't seem to like SQL much, which is surprising as it is kind of
> isomorphic to comprehension of sets (of tuples). That's why F# added
> first class SQL support with comprehension-like syntax

I did not say that I dislike SQL. It's still the most important DB
technology, and often it is the only choice we have. And you are right, it
is about set operations. Nevertheless, the syntax has strange aspects
(e.g. no reserved words, or that you cannot nest SELECTs arbitrarily, e.g.
(SELECT ... UNION SELECT ...) INTERSECT SELECT ...). The best thing is
that it is standardized.

The F# syntax is interesting (I frequently thought about integrating SQL
as DSL into Ocaml best, and did not find any good solution).

> The idea being probably that on top of a certified whole-program
> optimizing compiler, pattern matching optimizer, multi-core capable
> garbage collector and generalized lexing/parsing library, functional
> language implementers will also have to write an optimizing SQL /
> comprehension engine.

Yeah, an attempt to raise the bar.


> Diego Olivier
> --
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Gerd Stolpmann, Darmstadt,
Creator of GODI and
Contact details:
Company homepage:
*** Searching for new projects! Need consulting for system
*** programming in Ocaml? Gerd Stolpmann can help you.

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Re: [Caml-list] [ANN] Vim plugin

2012-01-31 Thread Markus Mottl
Hi Pierre,

thanks a lot for your contribution, I have updated the OCaml ftplugin
file on my site and will submit it to Bram for inclusion in a future
Vim release.


On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 16:29, Pierre Vittet  wrote:
> [English version below]
> Bonjour,
> Je ne sais pas si beaucoup d'entre vous utilise Vim pour coder en OCaml.
> J'ai eu besoin de faire quelques modifications sur le greffon officiel pour
> pouvoir utiliser pleinement les annotations. Je partage donc mes
> modifications pour le cas ou elles soient utiles à d'autres:
> J'ai corrigé 2 bogues et rajouté une fonctionnalité permettant d'utiliser
> les annotations avec l'ensemble des fichiers .ml ouverts. Jusqu'à présent il
> semble que les annotations ne fonctionnaient que sur le premier fichier
> ouvert.
> J'utilise ma version modifiée depuis plusieurs semaines sans problème.
> Si vous essayez mon greffon, je vous remercie de me faire un retour (sur les
> bogues ou leur absence).
> Merci
> Pierre Vittet
> -
> Hello,
> I don't know if many of you use Vim to write OCaml code. I had to make some
> change on the official plugin in order to use the annotation as I wanted. I
> share my modifications in the hope that they can be useful to others :
> I corrected 2 bugs and add a functionnality allowing to use annotations on
> every .ml file opened in the editor. Until now, it looks like previously
> annotation were working only on the first opened OCaml file.
> I use my modified version without any problem for several weeks. If you try
> my plugin, please, keep me informed of the eventual bugs.
> Thanks
> Pierre Vittet

Markus Mottl

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Re: [Caml-list] Hashtbl and security

2012-01-31 Thread Gerd Stolpmann

> Gerd Stolpmann  writes:
>> Hi,
>> there was recently a security alert for web services that use hash
>> tables to store web form parameters sent via POST (so that millions of
>> such parameters can be sent in a single request). It is possible to keep
>> the web service busy for hours with such a DoS (denial of service)
>> attack. The type of attack boils down to a problem in most hash table
>> implementations, namely that the hash functions are invertible, and it
>> is possible for a malicious user to construct lots of keys that all map
>> to the same bucket of the hash table, creating a mass collision.
>> The text of the alert:
>> I'd like to discuss this issue, because it is not restricted to the
>> processing of web requests, but may also occur for all other data coming
>> from untrusted sources. The web is only the most exposed area where this
>> issue exists.
>> So how is Ocaml affected? The hash functions used in recent Ocaml
>> releases are also insecure in the above mentioned sense (currently
>> MurmurHash3, and even a simpler hash function in previous releases). A
>> quick survey of the Internet revealed at least one site that tries to
>> break it. Probably a good cryptographer could do it in minutes.
>> A pure Hashtbl.add of the constructed keys does not yet lead to the
>> performance degradation, but a Hashtbl.replace, and of course
>> Hashtbl.find after the table is built up will. So it depends very much
>> of the details of the programs whether they are affected or not.
>> I've just checked that Ocamlnet uses only Hashtbl.add to collect POST
>> parameters, so it is not directly vulnerable. But if the crafted request
>> is actually served by a handler, the handler would get a degraded table,
>> and could show in turn bad performance (again leading to DoS).
>> What are possible fixes?
>> 1) Avoid hash tables in contexts where security is relevant. The
>> alternative is Set (actually a balanced binary tree), which does not
>> show this problem.
> Unfortunately O(log n) > O(1) and that can be a deciding factor in the
> overall runtime. Even for small n your code then runs 2,3,4,... times
> slower.
>> 2) Use cryptographically secure hash functions.
>> 3) Use "randomized" hash tables. The trick here is that there is not a
>> single hash function h anymore, but a family h(1)...h(n). When the hash
>> table is created, one of the functions is picked randomly. This makes it
>> impossible to craft an attack request, because you cannot predict the
>> function.
>> I don't think 1) is viable - hash tables are too wide spread, and are
>> loved by programmers because of their good performance. 2) would be good
>> in extremely critical contexts - although it is then again questionable,
>> because it is likely to have worse performance than 1).
>> So, the question is how to do 3). I see two problems here:
>> a) how to define the family of hash functions. Is it e.g. sufficient to
>> introduce an initialization vector for the Murmurhash algorithm, and
>> fill it randomly? How to get a random number that is good enough?
>> b) the Hashtbl in the standard library does not allow it to set the hash
>> function dynamically. Maybe one can get this effect by using first-class
>> modules (haven't checked).
>> Anyway, I think these problems are difficult enough to deserve some
>> discussion here. At least I cannot solve them immediately, and this
>> problem may exist for lots of Ocaml applications.
>> Gerd
> You are forgetting a variable in this. To create a DOS in the hashtable
> you need to hit the same bucket again and again. And bucket = hash % size.
> You focused on the hash but lets talk about the size for a moment.
> The size is rather limited and large hashtabels simply won't increate
> size anymore and allways have lots of collisions. So even if someone
> isn't actively trying to create DOS the performace still tanks as you
> add more items.

I cannot completely follow here. If you add more elements, the bucket
array is resized. The ocaml Hashtbl does this when the number of elements
exceeds half of the array size. The argument of Hashtbl.create is only the
initial size of the bucket array.

The upper bound is Sys.max_array_length, of course. Granted, on 32 bit
platforms it is low (4M). But nobody of sound mind would run ocaml
programs on 32 bit for production purposes. (If you do, consider to
switch. You can use more memory and get a little performance boost, not
only for ocaml programs.)


> And this isn't only a problem in ocaml. The glib hashtable also has a
> maximum size in the 32bit range for example.
> So for ocaml the first thing that needs to be fixed is to allow larger
> size arrays of buckets.
> MfG
> Goswin
> --
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Re: [Caml-list] [ANN] Vim plugin

2012-01-31 Thread Anthony Tavener
Bwahaha! Well that explains why using .annot files didn't seem reliable!

It seemed like it worked any time I *tested* whether it worked, and then
sometime when I try to make practical use of it... no. :P

So, merci beaucoup Pierre! Now I'll make more use of the feature.


2012/1/30 Pierre Vittet 

> [English version below]
> Bonjour,
> Je ne sais pas si beaucoup d'entre vous utilise Vim pour coder en OCaml.
> J'ai eu besoin de faire quelques modifications sur le greffon officiel pour
> pouvoir utiliser pleinement les annotations. Je partage donc mes
> modifications pour le cas ou elles soient utiles à d'autres:
> J'ai corrigé 2 bogues et rajouté une fonctionnalité permettant d'utiliser
> les annotations avec l'ensemble des fichiers .ml ouverts. Jusqu'à présent
> il semble que les annotations ne fonctionnaient que sur le premier fichier
> ouvert.
> J'utilise ma version modifiée depuis plusieurs semaines sans problème.
> Si vous essayez mon greffon, je vous remercie de me faire un retour (sur
> les bogues ou leur absence).
> Merci
> Pierre Vittet
> -
> Hello,
> I don't know if many of you use Vim to write OCaml code. I had to make
> some change on the official plugin in order to use the annotation as I
> wanted. I share my modifications in the hope that they can be useful to
> others :
> I corrected 2 bugs and add a functionnality allowing to use annotations on
> every .ml file opened in the editor. Until now, it looks like previously
> annotation were working only on the first opened OCaml file.
> I use my modified version without any problem for several weeks. If you
> try my plugin, please, keep me informed of the eventual bugs.
> Thanks
> Pierre Vittet

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Re: [Caml-list] [ANN] Vim plugin

2012-01-31 Thread oliver
On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 12:08:16PM +0100, Adrien wrote:
> On 31/01/2012, oliver  wrote:
> > Sometimes I had problems with syntax highlighting in OCaml.
> > The end of comments was not always displayed correctly colored.
> > This was the case, when long and nested comments were used.
> > Then the non-comment section sometimes was displayed as
> > if it were a comment.
> >
> > Someone also knows that problem?
> >
> > Maybe that is another issue that you might be able and interested
> > to fix...?!
> Hello,
> I've had the issue with long comments too but I think it's not
> specific to the ocaml highlighting: if you move around (forcing some
> kind of refresh when doing so), you will probably recover the proper
> highlighting (gg'' might be enough).

Yes, I sometimes scrolled down and up or vice versa and it solved the problem.
But this can become annoying...


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Re: [Caml-list] [ANN] Vim plugin

2012-01-31 Thread Matej Košík
On 01/31/2012 11:08 AM, Adrien wrote:
> On 31/01/2012, oliver  wrote:
>> Sometimes I had problems with syntax highlighting in OCaml.
>> The end of comments was not always displayed correctly colored.
>> This was the case, when long and nested comments were used.
>> Then the non-comment section sometimes was displayed as
>> if it were a comment.
>> Someone also knows that problem?
>> Maybe that is another issue that you might be able and interested
>> to fix...?!
> Hello,
> I've had the issue with long comments too but I think it's not
> specific to the ocaml highlighting: if you move around (forcing some
> kind of refresh when doing so), you will probably recover the proper
> highlighting (gg'' might be enough).

I can confirm this.

Probably a related problem is that if you go to an end of some
long-enough function (you can try 300-lines-long function); if you leave
vim; reenter vim (or switch to another buffer and switch back), you will
be viewing again end of the long function but syntax-highlighting will
be "out of sync". As if syntax-highlighter did not go backward enough to
be able to interprete meaning of the tokens that you are viewing.

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[Caml-list] ​Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE-2012): Final Call for Papers!

2012-01-31 Thread John Williams
Apologies for cross-postings.

Kindly email this call for papers to your colleagues,
faculty members and postgraduate students.


Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE-2012),
April 16-18, 2012, Dublin, Ireland (

The IICE is an international refereed conference dedicated
to the advancement of the theory and practices in education.
The IICE promotes collaborative excellence between academicians
and professionals from Education.
The aim of IICE is to provide an opportunity for academicians
and professionals from various educational fields with
cross-disciplinary interests to bridge the knowledge gap, promote
research esteem and the evolution of pedagogy. The IICE 2012 invites
research papers that encompass conceptual analysis, design
implementation and performance evaluation. All the accepted papers
will appear in the proceedings and modified version of selected
papers will be published in special issues peer reviewed journals.

The topics in IICE-2012 include but are not confined to the
following areas:

*Academic Advising and Counselling
*Art Education
*Adult Education
*APD/Listening and Acoustics in Education Environment
*Business Education
*Counsellor Education
*Curriculum, Research and Development
*Competitive Skills
*Continuing Education
*Distance Education
*Early Childhood Education
*Educational Administration
*Educational Foundations
*Educational Psychology
*Educational Technology
*Education Policy and Leadership
*Elementary Education
*Geographical Education
*Geographic information systems
*Health Education
*Higher Education
*Home Education
*Human Computer Interaction
*Human Resource Development
*Indigenous Education
*ICT Education
*Internet technologies
*Imaginative Education
*Kinesiology & Leisure Science
*Language Education
*Mathematics Education
*Mobile Applications
*Multi-Virtual Environment
*Music Education
*Physical Education (PE)
*Reading Education
*Writing Education
*Religion and Education Studies
*Research Assessment Exercise (RAE)
*Rural Education
*Science Education
*Secondary Education
*Second life Educators
*Social Studies Education
*Special Education
*Student Affairs
*Teacher Education
*Cross-disciplinary areas of Education
*Ubiquitous Computing
*Virtual Reality
*Wireless applications
*Other Areas of Education

Important Dates:

*Extended Abstract (Work in Progress) Submission Date: January 31, 2012
*Research Paper, Student Paper, Case Study, Report Submission Date:
February 05, 2012
*Proposal for Workshops: January 15, 2011
*Notification of Workshop Acceptance/Rejection: January 20, 2011
*Poster Proposal Submission Date: January 10, 2012
*Notification of Poster Acceptance/Rejection: January 15, 2012
*Notification of Extended Abstract (Work in Progress) Acceptance/Rejection:
February 15, 2012
*Notification of Research Paper, Student Paper, Case Study, Report
Acceptance/Rejection: February 10, 2012
*Camera Ready Paper Due: March 01, 2012
*Early Bird Registration Deadline (Authors and Participants): November 30,
2011 - February 29, 2012
*Late Bird Registration Deadline (Authors and Participants): March 01, 2012
- April 10, 2012
*Conference Dates: April 16-18, 2012

For further information please visit IICE-2012 at
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Re: [Caml-list] [ANN] Vim plugin

2012-01-31 Thread Marc Weber
Excerpts from Adrien's message of Tue Jan 31 12:08:16 +0100 2012:
> I've had the issue with long comments too but I think it's not
> specific to the ocaml highlighting: if you move around (forcing some
> kind of refresh when doing so), you will probably recover the proper
> highlighting (gg'' might be enough).
ctrl-l is the way to refresh the display usually. Also settings like
synmaxcol affect length of highlighting. Its limited for speed reasons.

The best way to contribute changes is
a) try to contact the maintainer
b) if he doesn't reply - send patches to vim mailinglist

else) upload your changes to as script. ~/.vim/* files
are read before $VIMRUNTIME files.

Using a plugin manager such as vim-addon-manager, vundle, pathogen it
should be easy to keep up to date with additional repositories.

Marc Weber

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Re: [Caml-list] [ANN] Vim plugin

2012-01-31 Thread Adrien
On 31/01/2012, oliver  wrote:
> Sometimes I had problems with syntax highlighting in OCaml.
> The end of comments was not always displayed correctly colored.
> This was the case, when long and nested comments were used.
> Then the non-comment section sometimes was displayed as
> if it were a comment.
> Someone also knows that problem?
> Maybe that is another issue that you might be able and interested
> to fix...?!


I've had the issue with long comments too but I think it's not
specific to the ocaml highlighting: if you move around (forcing some
kind of refresh when doing so), you will probably recover the proper
highlighting (gg'' might be enough).

Adrien Nader

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Re: [Caml-list] [ANN] Vim plugin

2012-01-31 Thread Raphael Proust
On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 10:02 AM, oliver  wrote:
> [...]
> Sometimes I had problems with syntax highlighting in OCaml.
> The end of comments was not always displayed correctly colored.
> This was the case, when long and nested comments were used.
> Then the non-comment section sometimes was displayed as
> if it were a comment.
> Someone also knows that problem?
> Maybe that is another issue that you might be able and interested
> to fix...?!
might be the setting you are looking for.

Also note that some features are not supported by the ocaml vim files
(e.g. first class modules). Coloring (and indenting) will be incorrect
around these constructs.


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Re: [Caml-list] [ANN] Vim plugin

2012-01-31 Thread oliver
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 10:29:14PM +0100, Pierre Vittet wrote:
> [English version below] 
> - 
> Hello, 
> I don't know if many of you use Vim to write OCaml code. I had to make some 
> change on the official plugin in order to use the annotation as I wanted. I 
> share my modifications in the hope that they can be useful to others : 
> I corrected 2 bugs and add a functionnality allowing to use annotations on 
> every .ml file opened in the editor. Until now, it looks like previously 
> annotation were working only on the first opened OCaml file. 
> I use my modified version without any problem for several weeks. If you try 
> my plugin, please, keep me informed of the eventual bugs. 


Sometimes I had problems with syntax highlighting in OCaml.
The end of comments was not always displayed correctly colored.
This was the case, when long and nested comments were used.
Then the non-comment section sometimes was displayed as
if it were a comment.

Someone also knows that problem?

Maybe that is another issue that you might be able and interested
to fix...?!


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Re: [Caml-list] [ANN] Vim plugin

2012-01-31 Thread Jonathan Protzenko
I think Xavier heard me scream quite a few times when the ocaml plugin 
screwed up my buffers, so many thanks for fixing this. So far, I 
haven't had any problem. I strongly encourage you to push your changes 
to the official vim distribution, so that everyone can benefit from 
your fixes.

Thanks again,


On Mon 30 Jan 2012 10:29:14 PM CET, Pierre Vittet wrote:

[English version below]

Je ne sais pas si beaucoup d'entre vous utilise Vim pour coder en 
OCaml. J'ai eu besoin de faire quelques modifications sur le greffon 
officiel pour pouvoir utiliser pleinement les annotations. Je partage 
donc mes modifications pour le cas ou elles soient utiles à d'autres:

J'ai corrigé 2 bogues et rajouté une fonctionnalité permettant 
d'utiliser les annotations avec l'ensemble des fichiers .ml ouverts. 
Jusqu'à présent il semble que les annotations ne fonctionnaient que 
sur le premier fichier ouvert.

J'utilise ma version modifiée depuis plusieurs semaines sans problème.
Si vous essayez mon greffon, je vous remercie de me faire un retour 
(sur les bogues ou leur absence).

Pierre Vittet


I don't know if many of you use Vim to write OCaml code. I had to make 
some change on the official plugin in order to use the annotation as I 
wanted. I share my modifications in the hope that they can be useful 
to others :

I corrected 2 bugs and add a functionnality allowing to use 
annotations on every .ml file opened in the editor. Until now, it 
looks like previously annotation were working only on the first opened 
OCaml file.

I use my modified version without any problem for several weeks. If 
you try my plugin, please, keep me informed of the eventual bugs.

Pierre Vittet

Caml-list mailing list.  Subscription management and archives:
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[Caml-list] [ANN] Vim plugin

2012-01-31 Thread Pierre Vittet
[English version below] 

Je ne sais pas si beaucoup d'entre vous utilise Vim pour coder en OCaml. J'ai 
eu besoin de faire quelques modifications sur le greffon officiel pour pouvoir 
utiliser pleinement les annotations. Je partage donc mes modifications pour le 
cas ou elles soient utiles à d'autres: 

J'ai corrigé 2 bogues et rajouté une fonctionnalité permettant d'utiliser les 
annotations avec l'ensemble des fichiers .ml ouverts. Jusqu'à présent il semble 
que les annotations ne fonctionnaient que sur le premier fichier ouvert. 

J'utilise ma version modifiée depuis plusieurs semaines sans problème. 
Si vous essayez mon greffon, je vous remercie de me faire un retour (sur les 
bogues ou leur absence). 

Pierre Vittet 


I don't know if many of you use Vim to write OCaml code. I had to make some 
change on the official plugin in order to use the annotation as I wanted. I 
share my modifications in the hope that they can be useful to others : 

I corrected 2 bugs and add a functionnality allowing to use annotations on 
every .ml file opened in the editor. Until now, it looks like previously 
annotation were working only on the first opened OCaml file. 

I use my modified version without any problem for several weeks. If you try my 
plugin, please, keep me informed of the eventual bugs. 

Pierre Vittet
Caml-list mailing list.  Subscription management and archives:
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