Just in case anyone comes to visit and doesn't realise Camping has it's own repo at Github (the chosen option in this thread, thanks to Magnus) here's the URL:


To promote Camping (e.g. I just mailed ruby-toolbox.com to suggest adding it), I usually point people to the above, to the online docs below, and to the mailing list. But it would be worth putting up a 'where is all the definitive updated Camping 1.9-soon-to-be-2.0 stuff' post to the list at some point - e.g. does Magnus want to continue hosting online docs at:


or could they be elsewhere? And which of the many, many finds out there when you search e.g. 'Camping Ruby' are 1.9/2.0 relevant? Etc. Ummm [thinks]... rubycamping.com, campingruby.com, campingframework.com or (my favourite) camping3k.com/org/net are all available...

Dave Everitt

Camping-list mailing list

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