Hi Jon

just the kind of tutorial that's needed!

Presume this blog is the result (good to show it off, too):

Once I'm rid of some annoying paid work I'll give it a try with my own adapted blog.

If anyone comes across any out of date Camping guides, suggest adding/ sending the link to the outdated article.


Hi all,

I've been lurking about for a while, but thought it's time I added something!

I had a go with Heroku (which I'm pretty impressed with - thanks
Dave).  As a bit of a play with it I made the guide below on how to
use camping 2.0 on it.  Let me know if you think it's handy (one for
the wiki perhaps) and I can update when 2.0 is released.

http://radiant-sunset-95.heroku.com/how-to-run-camping-2-apps-on- heroku


On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Dave Everitt <dever...@innotts.co.uk> wrote:
I found this the other day - Heroku offer a free Git-driven hosting package
for Ruby apps.

The info on Camping is here:


Encouraging that (apart from Rails) it only mentions Sinatra, Merb, Ramaze AND Camping... BTW there is a statement that "Camping 2.0 does not require
the Rack adapter"...

Dave Everitt

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