Setting cookies in service overloader thingo

2008-05-17 Thread Bluebie, Jenna
I'm implementing a simpler version of the Cookie Session Store in  
Rails 2.0. If you know what that is, skip the next paragraph.

A cookie session store stores the session data inside cookies, on the  
client, and signs them using a secret string, hashed together. The  
user can decode the cookie easily if they know much about computers  
and see what's inside, but they can't alter it because they can't  
generate the needed hash to sign it, and the server will ignore all  
cookie session data that isn't signed right. It's neat, you don't need  
a database, no file system clutter, and I think it feels really just a  
lot more natural this way.

Trouble is, I'm trying to make it work as a drop in replacement for  
the camping sessions mixin so people can 'upgrade' in either direction  
easily, consider this code however...

def service(*a)
  if @cookies.identity
blob, secure_hash = @cookies.identity.to_s.split(':')
blob = Base64.decode64(blob)
data = Marshal.restore(blob)
data = {} unless secure_blob_hasher(blob) == secure_hash
blob = ''
data = {}

  app =^(\w+)::.+$/, '\1')
  @state = (data[app] ||= Camping::H[])
  hash_before = blob.hash
  return super(*a)
  if data
data[app] = @state
blob = Marshal.dump(data)
unless hash_before == blob.hash
  secure_hash = secure_blob_hasher(blob)
  @cookies.identity = Base64.encode64(blob).strip + ':' +  


and there's quite a problem, check out that line, return super(*a),  
and look at the camping source, and soon enough one realises the  
reason this doesn't work at all is that the code inside the super is  
the code converting @cookies in to the Set-Cookie http header, so it's  
too late to set a cookie by the time the ensure block runs and tries  
to save the session.

What should I do? It feels dirty to copy code out of camping.rb that  
serializes the cookies, in effect making it do that job twice every  
time the session data and any other cookie data changes (which  
wouldn't be a big deal for my app, but still seems nasty). Anyone got  
a better idea?

Jenna “Where's my oats” Fox___
Camping-list mailing list

Re: Camping-Omnibus Doesn't Work With Ruby v1.8.6

2008-05-17 Thread zimbatm
Ok noted, it should probably be fixed once camping is released on rubyforge

2008/5/10 Trevor Johns [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I've noticed that the copy of Mongrel installed by the camping-omnibus gem
 doesn't work with Ruby 1.8.6. Or to be more specific, cgi_multipart_eof_fix
 (which Mongrel is dependent upon) doesn't work:

 $ sudo gem install mongrel --source

 ERROR:  Error installing mongrel:
cgi_multipart_eof_fix requires Ruby version = 1.8.5

 It looks like the copy of Mongrel mirrored on is
 v1.0.1. The latest public release is v1.1.4.

 Working around this is easy (just download the component parts individually
 from, but it might scare away some newbies who are
 following the directions on the wiki. Time to update the Gems hosted on

 On a related note, how come camping-omnibus doesn't exist on

 Trevor Johns

 Camping-list mailing list

Camping-list mailing list

Re: Setting cookies in service overloader thingo

2008-05-17 Thread zimbatm
Nice catch,

cookies support never really felt complete to me. Maybe we should put
it in a different module ?

Camping-list mailing list

Re: Setting cookies in service overloader thingo

2008-05-17 Thread Bluebie, Jenna
I haven't read through all of camping yet, I only started playing with  
it seriously a few days ago, so I don't know where might be a better  
place for it. Maybe whatever it is which calls service could do the  

it would be nice if there was a way to set cookies long term too,  
though it isn't really important and for my app, the only place I'd be  
using it is to duplicate the form filling out functionality for my  
openid login box that all modern browser's already provide.

It is really refreshing for cookies to be so simple. I have very mixed  
feelings about making them 'complete'.

If more complete cookie support were added, that would surely include  
the setting of expiry, this opens up another big change in that many  
apps set the same cookie over and over even though nothing has changed  
because they want the expiry to always be, for example, one week after  
the last page the user loaded. The framework currently doesn't make  
allowances for setting the same cookie over and over when no data has  
changed either.

Maybe it's best to stick with simple cookie support. If people really  
need much more I don't feel it unfair for them to need to hack it in  
themselves or move up to rails and the likes.

Jenna ”Where's my equestrian hat?” Fox

On 18/05/2008, at 2:41 AM, zimbatm wrote:

Nice catch,

cookies support never really felt complete to me. Maybe we should put
it in a different module ?

Camping-list mailing list

Camping-list mailing list

Re: Camping-Omnibus Doesn't Work With Ruby v1.8.6

2008-05-17 Thread Bluebie, Jenna
Yeah, and because ruby 1.8.6 comes with Mac OS X Leopard, that's  
probably scaring plenty of people (me included!)

Jenna “The Omnibus” Fox
On 18/05/2008, at 2:40 AM, zimbatm wrote:

Ok noted, it should probably be fixed once camping is released on  

2008/5/10 Trevor Johns [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I've noticed that the copy of Mongrel installed by the camping- 
omnibus gem
doesn't work with Ruby 1.8.6. Or to be more specific,  

(which Mongrel is dependent upon) doesn't work:

$ sudo gem install mongrel --source

ERROR:  Error installing mongrel:
  cgi_multipart_eof_fix requires Ruby version = 1.8.5

It looks like the copy of Mongrel mirrored on is

v1.0.1. The latest public release is v1.1.4.

Working around this is easy (just download the component parts  
from, but it might scare away some newbies who  
following the directions on the wiki. Time to update the Gems  
hosted on

On a related note, how come camping-omnibus doesn't exist on

Trevor Johns

Camping-list mailing list

Camping-list mailing list

Camping-list mailing list