Camping 2.1: Tests

2010-04-12 Thread Magnus Holm
Wanted to highlight some of the issues we know have on github and get
some discussion going.

First up: Tests -

Currently Camping doesn't have any automated tests. At all. Now, I'm
not a testing freak, but I'm not _why either, so I believe we'll have
to have *some* tests. I'm not talking about 100% unit-test coverage,
but just something which lets us commit with confidence and makes it
easier to make sure everything works on both 1.8 and 1.9.

One idea I had: Use what we have in test/apps/ now and write
WebRat-steps to make sure everything works as expected. The apps
should be ran through Camping::Server, and the tests should use
Net::HTTP so we test the whole stack.

Anyone wants to give it a try, or have any other ideas?

// Magnus Holm
Camping-list mailing list

Camping 2.1: Rackification

2010-04-12 Thread Magnus Holm
Rackification -

I want to make Camping even more Rack-ish. Some ideas:

1. Make Camping::Server use Rack::Server

2. The dispatcher shouldn't care about the method

Previously the dispatcher (Controllers.D) has taken a path and a
method, and returns an array with the controller and the method:

D(/, get) # = [Index, 'get']
D(/, post) # = [I, 'r501']  # no post-method in Index
D(/not_found, get) # = [I, 'r404']

I want to make it such that the dispatcher only cares about the path,
and then the controllers are responsible for calling the right method.
I feel that is more HTTP-ish: First look up the resource, then try to
call the method.

3. When the method isn't found, call #method_missing

Okay, this one is kinda dangerous, but it would be cool if Camping
would call #method_missing if the method doesn't exist. That way,
Camping almost becomes the Ruby-version of HTTP. Too dangerous (aka.
it would swallow regular NoMethorError) or possible?

// Magnus Holm
Camping-list mailing list

Camping 2.1: Easier to extend

2010-04-12 Thread Magnus Holm

It's currently very hard to extend Camping, so I've been thinking of
ways to make it easier without taking too many bytes.

Here's a very simple approach:

When you write `Camping.plugin :Foo` it stores the code in the file,
and when you later call `App.needs :Foo` it fetches the file again and
replaces Camping with App. Not perfect, but at least it's something.
I'll have to try to get RESTstop using this technique to see how it

Any other ideas? Comments?

// Magnus Holm
Camping-list mailing list

Camping 2.1: Making migrations less sucky

2010-04-12 Thread Magnus Holm

This is probably the most exciting issue: Making migrations less sucky.

The fact that you'll have to do this to get started sucks:

module Nuts::Models
  class Page  Base

  class BasicFields  V 1.0
def self.up
  create_table Page.table_name do |t|
t.string :title
t.text   :content
# This gives us created_at and updated_at

def self.down
  drop_table Page.table_name

It should really just be something like this:

module Nuts::Models
  class Page  Base
t.string :title
t.text  :content

But we still want to support regular migrations (in some way at
least). See the issue for more examples/comments.

// Magnus Holm
Camping-list mailing list

Re: Camping 2.1: Rackification

2010-04-12 Thread Philippe Monnet

#1 seems to make sense. I personally tend to use rackup anyway.
#2 seems ok.
#3 agreed with the dangerous override - how about http_method_missing 

On 4/12/2010 8:32 AM, Magnus Holm wrote:

Rackification -

I want to make Camping even more Rack-ish. Some ideas:

1. Make Camping::Server use Rack::Server

2. The dispatcher shouldn't care about the method

Previously the dispatcher (Controllers.D) has taken a path and a
method, and returns an array with the controller and the method:

D(/, get) # =  [Index, 'get']
D(/, post) # =  [I, 'r501']  # no post-method in Index
D(/not_found, get) # =  [I, 'r404']

I want to make it such that the dispatcher only cares about the path,
and then the controllers are responsible for calling the right method.
I feel that is more HTTP-ish: First look up the resource, then try to
call the method.

3. When the method isn't found, call #method_missing

Okay, this one is kinda dangerous, but it would be cool if Camping
would call #method_missing if the method doesn't exist. That way,
Camping almost becomes the Ruby-version of HTTP. Too dangerous (aka.
it would swallow regular NoMethorError) or possible?

// Magnus Holm
Camping-list mailing list


Camping-list mailing list

Re: Camping 2.1: Tilt integration

2010-04-12 Thread Philippe Monnet
Tilt seems pretty cool based on quick glance at the site. This would 
give people a few more well-known options.

On 4/12/2010 8:37 AM, Magnus Holm wrote:

Tilt -

Tilt integration ( is a dead-simple
way to support ERB, Erubis, Haml, Liquid, Builder and other template
engines. It would be nice if require 'camping/templates' would
re-define Base#render to use Tilt IMO.

// Magnus Holm
Camping-list mailing list


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