I gave Magnus' excellent integration of Tilt a whirl today and really love it. It's also cool because you can match different types of templates at the same time (e.g. Markaby + HAML).

I found that while prototyping it would be nice to not have Camping compile and cache Tilt templates.
So I used the new option capability and defined a :dynamic_templates option.


module TiltTest
    set :views, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/views'
    set :dynamic_templates, true


I changed the Camping code to check for that option and only compile and cache if false.
What do you think?
Maybe we need a shorter or different name for the option?

I checked in the changes in my fork: http://github.com/techarch/camping/commit/0152c606f286855ca7381c9394e9f05001d93764

Magnus, you might have some additional ideas for tweaking this feature. So feel free to add/alter and merge to your liking.

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