A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
This draft is a work item of the Captive Portal Interaction WG of the IETF.

        Title           : Captive-Portal Identification in DHCP / RA
        Authors         : Warren Kumari
                          Erik Kline
        Filename        : draft-ietf-capport-rfc7710bis-11.txt
        Pages           : 13
        Date            : 2020-07-13

   In many environments offering short-term or temporary Internet access
   (such as coffee shops), it is common to start new connections in a
   captive portal mode.  This highly restricts what the user can do
   until the user has satisfied the captive portal conditions.

   This document describes a DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 option and a Router
   Advertisement (RA) option to inform clients that they are behind some
   sort of captive portal enforcement device, and that they will need to
   satify the Captive Portal conditions to get Internet access.  It is
   not a full solution to address all of the issues that clients may
   have with captive portals; it is designed to be one component of a
   standardized approach for hosts to interact with such portals.  While
   this document defines how the network operator may convey the captive
   portal API endpoint to hosts, the specific methods of satisfying and
   interacting with the captive portal are out of scope of this

   This document replaces [RFC7710].  [RFC7710] used DHCP code point
   160.  Due to a conflict, this document specifies 114.  Consequently,
   this document also updates [RFC3679].

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