This is Donna Hanlon forwarding a message from Mark Pinsk, with the attached screen capture removed and put here:

http://pub:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/pub/donna/v_RH_fiducial.jpg
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Mark -- the only attachment that made it through to the caret-users moderator approval was v_flat.tar.gz, which contained only a gzipped version of the the single jpg cited above: 5% gunzip -dc v_flat.tar.gz |tar tvf -
-rw-r--r-- mpinsk/staff  46834 2004-01-15 23:17:08 v_RH_fiducial.jpg.gz

Caret's File:Save Window as JPEG might result in a smaller image (i.e., under the list's 40Kbyte post size limit).



I've been attempting to flatten a monkey right hemisphere and I'm repeatedly getting a large amount of distortion along the lunate sulcus. This hemisphere has an occipital gyrus lesion so I plan to cut out the OG surface once flattened. I can't spot any crossovers or see anything that may cause this distortion, it's right along the edge of the OG/LS it seems.

I attach 3 snapshots: "flat" shows the distortion around the LS after flattening is over, "flat2 and fiducial" show how they will look once the OG is cut out, but I'd like to get rid of this distortion around the LS first of course.

any suggestions?

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