
First, make sure the fiducial cited in the matrix file is the one whose center matches the ORIGIN in the afni anatomical volume.

It's a good idea in afni to move to where the x,y,z coordinate in the afni main window shows 0,0,0 (or very close to it). This should match the anatomical point that is the surface center (typically the AC). If it's too far superior/inferior, you may need to use 3drefit to adjust the origin.

Also make sure the matrix file doesn't have a negative z value in the fourth column.

Before I ask you to send me your entire dataset, do 3dinfo on the anatomical volume (the one in your matrix file) and send me the output. Also send me your matrix file. Perhaps they will tell me the problem.


On 07/27/2004 11:14 AM, Marc Malloy wrote:

I've created my metric file and matrix file - I can successfully connect to afni but when I click on a node or voxel it does not correspond to the proper node or voxel in the other program - ie a node in caret is skull in afni. I think I'm missing something simple but it eludes me. I followed the steps at to create my metric file and my anatomical in afni is in the same space and orientation as the surface in caret.


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