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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [caret-users] Brainvoyager
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 14:12:47 -0500
From: Donna Hanlon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: John Harwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Lars,

Hi community,

Caret allows to import a flatmap that was created in Brainvoyager
(.srf). That step works more or less fine (see picture of the right
hemisphere), but has anybody an idea of viewing brodmann areas on this
flatmap, or is it impossible?

I realized I think I can answer this. To view the Brodmann areas on your subject's flat map, you need to register it to the colin atlas. Caret provides flat and spherical registration methods (scan Part II of the tutorial -- possibly using the 4.6 tutorial, since the 5.1 version probably doesn't cover registration via flat map). We strongly prefer spherical registration if you have a full hemisphere, and probably the easiest way to do it is start with the fiducial surface (i.e., the 3d surface that reflects the gray/white boundary). Then, you can use Caret to inflate that surface to a sphere; do flatten full hemisphere (ellipsoid) and morph sphere; and register to colin.

Then, you apply the resulting deformation map in your individual subject's directory to the paint file in the colin subdirectory, and you'll get a deformed paint file in your subject's directory.

Clear as mud? ;-)


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