Hi Po-He,

Your anterior commissure (AC) setting was WAY off. It was set to
66,46,21 while it should have been set to 69,95,45. Using that AC, I got
an excellent segmentation with no skull whatsoever. The Set AC tab has
an image that shows where the AC should be set.

Also, your white matter peak was set to 65 and gray matter peak 45. I
chose peaks of 59 and 48 to get my beautiful segmentation.


On 12/27/2004 05:39 AM, pohetsn wrote:

> Dear Donna and Ben
> I have difficulty to segment "this" brain, which was uploaded to
> http://pulvinar.wustl.edu/cgi-bin/upload.cgi and the filename is
> mmm.tar.gz.
> I tried many composition of GM/WM peak values, but the segmentation
> result were all similar with part of sculp only.
> Would you please check the file to see how to solve it?
> Thank you
> Sincerely,
> Po-He
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