
I'm pretty new to Caret, so far I've just been using it for reconstruction
from histological slices and flattening.

I have some pre-existing VTK surface models in which the polygons have some
data associated with them, e.g. number tracer labelled cells, visuotopic
information etc.  In the VTK text file format, it's called CELL_DATA.

When I load these surfaces into Caret, it seems this data is not preserved
anywhere.  However Caret does seem to support this VTK feature when
exporting - if I colour the surface with a overlay of the mean curvature and
save a VTK file, I see that it writes out the colouring as CELL_DATA in the
VTK file.

My question is, how do I import this polygon data into Caret surfaces?  I'm
thinking I need to import it as a different Caret file, such as a Cell file.
 Is that correct?  Should I generate a separate file using the information

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