
I'm working on constructing brain models from histological sections with
cortical areas demarcated.  Until now we've been writing our own progrms to
achieve this.  I'd like to start to use Caret for more of this work so
non-programmers can do it and our data is more compatible with other
datasets, but I've got a few questions.

Firstly, with regards to drawing a contour of the cortical mid-thickness,
the tutorial suggests that you just estimate this visually when drawing the
contours.  I was wondering, is there a standard procedure or set of tools
for calculating the mid-thickness given the pial and GM/WM boundaries?

Secondly, with regards to marking cortical areas, normally we would
represent the area boundaries as points in space ("cells" in Caret I
believe) and using our own programs, project to the nearest mesh node.
 Then, for a given cortical area, we would use the Dijkstra algorithm to
"cut out" the cortical area by finding the shortest path between it's
boundary points.  However it seems that in Caret the method is to view the
projected cells on a flat map, and draw a border around it to create a paint
file.  Is there a more precise way, perhaps similar to the one I described,
of doing it in Caret?

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