Hi, I've just started using caret, and am trying to convert freesurfer data. To 
do so, I used the following command suggested in the caret_file_convert help 


caret_file_convert -sc -is FSS lh.orig.asc -os CARET fiducial.coord closed.topo 
FIDUCIAL CLOSED -spec file.spec -hem LEFT


As I understand it, fiducial.coord should be a surface halfway between fs's 
white and pial surfaces. However, on the test subject I did, it looks the same 
to me as the white matter surface, so I wanted to make sure what I did was 


Also, is there a tutorial or help website for converting from freesurfer to 
caret? Thanks,




Aaron L. Goldman

Kelly Contractor

Genes, Cognition and Psychosis Program, NIMH

Building 10, Room 3C108

Phone: (301) 435-0944



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