On Jan 11, 2007, at 12:15 PM, Mateus Joffily wrote:


I am trying to create a volume ROI from selected nodes. I have selected the nodes inside a border, using the 'Surface Region of Interest' Query tab. Then I selected the 'Create Volume From Displayed Query Nodes' button and, after, I pressed OK in the 'Surface to Voulme Dialog'. The 'Converting Surface' wait bar appears, but, when it is done, I can't find where the volume ROI is saved. I see that a 'Segmention Volume' file is created, but I don't know how should I use it. What should I do next to create a volume ROI?

Thanks for your help.

caret-users mailing list

The segmentation volume containing the region of interest is not automatically saved to a file. The user needs to save it using the File->Save Data File Dialog. The user can view the volume ROI by selecting the segmentation volume as an overlay or underlay on the Display Control's Volume Overlay/Underlay page.

John Harwell

Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
Washington University School of Medicine
660 S. Euclid Ave.    Box 8108
St. Louis, MO 63110   USA

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