Sur l'excellent site (que je recommande au
passage), je suis tombé sur City Murmur, une initiative permettant de
visualiser quelles voies d'une ville sont citées dans les médias pour
quel sujet, etc.

En passant par la démo sur le site, on peut manipuler les deux
représentations (géographique et sémantique) de la classification,
tout en définissant les critères thématiques (éducation, mode,
tourisme ...), d'échelle (local, national, ...), et selon le type de
média (réseaux sociaux, quotidiens gratuits, blogs ...) utilisés.
Le tout porte sur l'hypothèse que la présence numérique accrue dans
notre société a créée une cartographie "médiatique" de l'espace
urbain ...

À tester directement sur le site du projet, ici :
La source :

Descriptif (issu du site Visual Complexity) :
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The goal of City Murmur is to show how the media differently describes
the urban space through the attention that is given to each street of
a city. In the hypothesis of the increasing importance of the online
presence in contemporary society, a media geography has been generated
intersecting the media scape with the geographical reality of the

CityMurmur aims at addressing maps and diagrams, not as passive
representation of realities, but as tools for interpretation and
action. It wants to build a time-based narrative, an historical
archive of media coverage of the urban space which is able to reveal
some hidden dynamics useful for city policy support, critical media
analysis, and sociocultural research.

CityMurmur is an on-going project that will be performed in several
cities. The first one was Madrid, as a result of the Visualizar'08
workshop. The media space is composed by a RSS feed pool containing
733 sources. Starting from an official list of Spanish media, the
authors classified all the sources and their RSS feeds through
denotative categories (topic, type and impact), while also tagging
some of them with connotative categories. Once the RSS feed is
downloaded, and an in-depth scanning of the news is performed, each
post is matched against the OpenStreetMap street database to check if
a street, a place of interest or a district in the city is mentioned.
When a particular news item is related to a specific element of the
city, a Murmur comes to life.
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Voila, j'attends vos réactions :.)

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