Hello all,

I am using the MongoDB Service Registry. Reading from the registry works 
fine, also deletion of items is not a problem. However, when I try to 
create a new service or when I try to edit an existing service, I get the 
following error message.

[1;31m2017-07-21 10:33:02,368 ERROR 
[org.apereo.cas.mgmt.services.web.AbstractManagementController] - <JSON 
parse error: Can not deserialize instance of 
out of START_ARRAY token; nested exception is 
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Can not deserialize 
instance of 
out of START_ARRAY token

I am using the MongoDB that has been initialized with the following lines 
of code and contains exactly two items in collection cas_service_registry.

mongo "${CONNECTION_URL}" \
--eval \
'db.cas_service_registry.insertOne( { "_id" : NumberLong(10000002), "_class" : 
"org.apereo.cas.services.RegexRegisteredService", "serviceId" : 
"^https://www.apereo.org";, "name" : "Apereo", "theme" : "apereo", "description" 
: "Apereo foundation sample service", "proxyPolicy" : { "_class" : 
"org.apereo.cas.services.RefuseRegisteredServiceProxyPolicy" }, 
"evaluationOrder" : 1, "usernameAttributeProvider" : { "_class" : 
"canonicalizationMode" : "NONE", "encryptUsername" : false }, "logoutType" : 
"BACK_CHANNEL", "requiredHandlers" : [ ], "attributeReleasePolicy" : { "_class" 
: "org.apereo.cas.services.ReturnAllowedAttributeReleasePolicy", 
"allowedAttributes" : [ ], "principalAttributesRepository" : { "_class" : 
"expiration" : NumberLong(2), "timeUnit" : "HOURS" }, 
"authorizedToReleaseCredentialPassword" : false, 
"authorizedToReleaseProxyGrantingTicket" : false, "excludeDefaultAttributes" : 
false }, "multifactorPolicy" : { "_class" : 
"multifactorAuthenticationProviders" : [ ], "failureMode" : "CLOSED", 
"bypassEnabled" : false }, "accessStrategy" : { "_class" : 
"org.apereo.cas.services.DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy", "enabled" : 
true, "ssoEnabled" : true, "requireAllAttributes" : true, "requiredAttributes" 
: {  }, "rejectedAttributes" : {  }, "caseInsensitive" : false }, "properties" 
: {  } } )';

mongo "${CONNECTION_URL}" \
--eval \
'db.cas_service_registry.insertOne( { "_id" : NumberLong(10000001), "_class" : 
"org.apereo.cas.services.RegexRegisteredService", "serviceId" : 
"^(https|imaps)://.*", "name" : "HTTPS and IMAPS", "description" : "This 
service definition authorizes all application urls that support HTTPS and IMAPS 
protocols.", "proxyPolicy" : { "_class" : 
"org.apereo.cas.services.RefuseRegisteredServiceProxyPolicy" }, 
"evaluationOrder" : 10000, "usernameAttributeProvider" : { "_class" : 
"canonicalizationMode" : "NONE", "encryptUsername" : false }, "logoutType" : 
"BACK_CHANNEL", "requiredHandlers" : [ ], "attributeReleasePolicy" : { "_class" 
: "org.apereo.cas.services.ReturnAllowedAttributeReleasePolicy", 
"allowedAttributes" : [ ], "principalAttributesRepository" : { "_class" : 
"expiration" : NumberLong(2), "timeUnit" : "HOURS" }, 
"authorizedToReleaseCredentialPassword" : false, 
"authorizedToReleaseProxyGrantingTicket" : false, "excludeDefaultAttributes" : 
false }, "multifactorPolicy" : { "_class" : 
"multifactorAuthenticationProviders" : [ ], "failureMode" : "CLOSED", 
"bypassEnabled" : false }, "accessStrategy" : { "_class" : 
"org.apereo.cas.services.DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy", "enabled" : 
true, "ssoEnabled" : true, "requireAllAttributes" : true, "requiredAttributes" 
: {  }, "rejectedAttributes" : {  }, "caseInsensitive" : false }, "properties" 
: {  } } )';

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