
Is it possible to limit the responses a mapped result returns?

To clarify my intention....

I have setup deployerConfigContext.xml with the following mappings..

<bean id="attributeRepository" 
<property name="resultAttributeMapping">
        <!-- Mapping between LDAP entry attributes (key) and Principal's 
(value) -->
        <entry key="uid" value="netid"/>
        <entry key="userPIDM" value="UDC_IDENTIFIER"/>
        <entry key="cn" value="commonName"/>
        <entry key="mail" value="mail"/>
        <entry key="mailHost" value="mailHost"/>
        <entry key="uid" value="nameidentifier"/>
        <entry key="givenName" value="givenname"/>
        <entry key="sn" value="surname"/>
        <entry key="userPIDM" value="studentid"/>

I have also 
setup "WEB-INF/view/jsp/protocol/2.0/casServiceValidationSuccess.jsp" with 
the following

<cas:serviceResponse xmlns:cas='http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas'>
    <c:forEach var="auth" items="${assertion.chainedAuthentications}">
     <c:forEach var="attr" items="${auth.principal.attributes}" >


This returns as expected for all mappings except for <entry key="uid" 
which returns an array of values <cas:nameidentifier>[dsallis, 
dsallis_student, dsallis_admin]</cas:nameidentifier>

Returning to my question, Can this return be limited to just the first 
result "dsallis"?

Thank you,

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