I enabled MongoDB Authentification as per the documentation. 

1 ) I added the following to the POM


2) Included the following properties

# Mongo DB Authentication


 cas.authn.mongo.passwordEncoder.secret=*Server starts normally and User is 
authenticated. However, when I connect to /cas/status/ssosessions and expand 
the session of the logged in user, the principal attributes field is empty. 
I would expect it to contain first_name and last_name as per the configuration 
and the data in the database. 

The users collection in the database looks like this:

> db.users.find()

{ "_id" : ObjectId("594bc3c32d5c8c3cf244f3bb"), "username" : "casuser", 
"password" : "****", "first_name" : "Cas", "last_name" : "User" }

Also, if I comment out the *cas.authn.mongo.attributes *property, users can no 
longer be authenticated because of a NullPointerException. 

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