Hi all,

I've got a SAML service that has login requirements that must be performed 
on the CAS/IdP side.
Basically, I want a list of users (matched by uid) to be allowed access to 
this specific service.

I read the docs 
and went ahead configuring a service. The service config is below:

  @class: org.apereo.cas.support.saml.services.SamlRegisteredService
  name: Some Service
  id: 1005
  serviceId: https://example.com/shibboleth-sp
  attributeReleasePolicy: {
    @class: org.apereo.cas.services.ReturnMappedAttributeReleasePolicy
    allowedAttributes: {
      @class: java.util.TreeMap
      uid: uid
      mail: special-mail-name
  accessStrategy : {
    @class: org.apereo.cas.services.DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy
    enabled: true
    ssoEnabled: true
    requiredAttributes: {
      @class: java.util.HashMap
      uid: ["java.util.HashSet", ["^bob$", "^joe$", "^sue$"]]
  proxyPolicy: {
    @class: org.apereo.cas.services.RefuseRegisteredServiceProxyPolicy
  metadataLocation: /etc/cas/metadata/metadata.xml
  metadataCriteriaPattern: https://example.com/shibboleth-sp

To test, I go to 
login, and it works. I am denied when I should be and allowed when I should 

The problem is when I go to use the service properly. I go to the service, 
get redirected back to cas,
and the access strategy is completely ignored. I see the below:

DEBUG [org.apereo.cas.services.
AbstractRegisteredServiceAttributeReleasePolicy] - <Final collection of 
attributes allowed are: [{uid=mareid, mail=something}]>
DEBUG [org.apereo.cas.services.DefaultRegisteredServiceAccessStrategy] - <
Skipping access strategy policy, since no attributes rules are defined>

After doing some digging, it seems like the SAML services use the 
RegexRegisteredService instead of
the actual service when performing authentication. Now I am stuck, I have 
other SAML services that
use the RegexRegisteredService, but I want to be able to limit 
authorization only in this specific service.

Is there any other way to authorization at the CAS end for SAML services?


Mac Reid

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