
Anyone, please help me to solve the Attribute problem in CAS Management. I 
want the dropdown to list the available attributes (dynamically) based on 
the attribute repository (JDBC), the dropdown in CAS Management service 

I added dependency to *pom.xml *(cas-server)

I access *https://cas.example.com/cas/status/discovery* successfully 
displaying a list of attributes that are ready to be released.
  "@class": "java.util.LinkedHashMap",
  "profile": {
    "@class": "org.apereo.cas.discovery.CasServerProfile",
    "registeredServiceTypes": {
      "@class": "java.util.HashMap",
      "CAS Client": "org.apereo.cas.services.RegexRegisteredService"
    "registeredServiceTypesSupported": {
      "@class": "java.util.HashMap",
      "SAML2 Service Provider": 
      "WS Federation Relying Party": 
      "OpenID Connect Relying Party": 
      "OAuth2 Client": 
      "CAS Client": "org.apereo.cas.services.RegexRegisteredService"
    "multifactorAuthenticationProviderTypesSupported": {
      "@class": "java.util.HashMap",
      "mfa-gauth": "Google Authenticator",
      "mfa-swivel": "Swivel Secure",
      "mfa-authy": "Authy",
      "mfa-radius": "RADIUS (RSA,WiKID)",
      "mfa-u2f": "FIDO U2F",
      "mfa-duo": "Duo Security",
      "mfa-azure": "Microsoft Azure"
    "delegatedClientTypesSupported": [

*"availableAttributes": [      "java.util.LinkedHashSet",      [        
"uid",        "username",        "name",        "phone"      ]    ]*

But the data is not loaded in CAS Management. I see at *cas-management.log* 
it appears like this:

> 019-04-07 00:32:01,567 INFO 
> [org.apereo.cas.mgmt.web.CasManagementWebApplicationServletInitializer] - 
> The following profiles are active: standalone
> 2019-04-07 00:32:07,489 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.config.CasCoreUtilSerializationConfiguration] - Configuring 
> component serialization plan [CasCoreUtilSerializationConfiguration]
> 2019-04-07 00:32:08,247 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.mgmt.config.CasManagementAuthenticationConfiguration] - 
> Configuring an authentication strategy based on CAS running at 
> [https://cas.example.com]
> 2019-04-07 00:32:08,263 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.mgmt.config.CasManagementAuthenticationConfiguration] - 
> Skipping IP address authentication strategy configuration; no pattern is 
> defined
> 2019-04-07 00:33:14,297 INFO 
> *[org.apereo.cas.mgmt.services.web.factory.FormDataFactory] 
> - CAS Server returned 502 status code from endpoint 
> *https://cas.example.com/cas/status/discovery. 
> Using default FormData values.
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,369 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.config.CasCoreServicesConfiguration] - Configuring service 
> registry [JpaServiceRegistryConfiguration]
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,402 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.services.DefaultServiceRegistryExecutionPlan] - Registering 
> service registry [JpaServiceRegistry] into the execution plan
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,362 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.services.AbstractServicesManager] - Registering service 
> registry [JpaServiceRegistry] into the execution 
> planorg.apereo.cas.services.ChainingServiceRegistry@35554139]
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,807 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.services.AbstractServicesManager] - Adding registered 
> service [^https:\/\/app1.example.com(\\z|\/.*)]
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,807 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.services.AbstractServicesManager] - Adding registered 
> service [^https:\/\/app2.example.com(\\z|\/.*)]
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,807 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.services.AbstractServicesManager] - Adding registered 
> service [^https:\/\/app3.example.com(\\z|\/.*)]
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,807 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.services.AbstractServicesManager] - Adding registered 
> service [^https:\/\/app4.example.com(\\z|\/.*)]
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,807 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.services.AbstractServicesManager] - Adding registered 
> service [^https:\/\/cas.example.com(|:8443)\/cas-management(|\\z|\/.*)]
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,808 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.services.AbstractServicesManager] - Adding registered 
> service [^https:\/\/cas.example.com(|:8443)\/cas\/status(|\\z|\/.*)]
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,808 DEBUG 
> [org.apereo.cas.services.AbstractServicesManager] - Adding registered 
> service [^https:\/\/localhost:8443(\\z|\/.*)]
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,813 INFO 
> [org.apereo.cas.services.AbstractServicesManager] - Loaded [7] service(s) 
> from [JpaServiceRegistry].
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,894 DEBUG [org.apereo.cas.util.io.PathWatcherService] 
> - Created service registry watcher for events of type [ENTRY_CREATE]
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,954 INFO 
> [org.apereo.cas.mgmt.DefaultCasManagementEventListener] -
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,957 INFO 
> [org.apereo.cas.mgmt.DefaultCasManagementEventListener] -
>   ____    _____      _      ____   __   __
>  |  _ \  | ____|    / \    |  _ \  \ \ / /
>  | |_) | |  _|     / _ \   | | | |  \ V /
>  |  _ <  | |___   / ___ \  | |_| |   | |  
>  |_| \_\ |_____| /_/   \_\ |____/    |_|  
> 2019-04-07 00:33:17,957 INFO 
> [org.apereo.cas.mgmt.DefaultCasManagementEventListener] -

I hope availableAttributes loaded in the CAS Management dropdown (Return 
Allowed). How to solve this problem?
Thank you

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