I'm trying to configure Spnego on CAS 5.2.0 

I added required dependency to pom file:


I have an SPN account and working keytab file. I've configured krb5.conf 
and login.conf as it says in here SPNEGO-Authentication.html 
I configured my browsers to support Kerberos.
Here is the SPNEGO part of cas configuration file:
# cas.authn.spnego.kerberosConf=
# cas.authn.spnego.cachePolicy=600
# cas.authn.spnego.timeout=300000
# cas.authn.spnego.jcifsNetbiosWins=
# cas.authn.spnego.ntlmAllowed=true
# cas.authn.spnego.hostNamePatternString=.+
# cas.authn.spnego.jcifsUsername=
# cas.authn.spnego.useSubjectCredsOnly=false
# cas.authn.spnego.supportedBrowsers=MSIE,Trident,Firefox,AppleWebKit
# cas.authn.spnego.jcifsDomainController=
# cas.authn.spnego.dnsTimeout=2000
# cas.authn.spnego.hostNameClientActionStrategy=hostnameSpnegoClientAction
# cas.authn.spnego.alternativeRemoteHostAttribute=alternateRemoteHeader
# cas.authn.spnego.jcifsDomain=
# cas.authn.spnego.ipsToCheckPattern=127.+
# cas.authn.spnego.kerberosDebug=true
# cas.authn.spnego.send401OnAuthenticationFailure=true
# cas.authn.spnego.ntlm=false
# cas.authn.spnego.principalWithDomainName=false

When I open login page there is the next error on CAS logs:

2018-01-09 13:47:33,472 INFO 
[org.apereo.inspektr.audit.support.Slf4jLoggingAuditTrailManager] - <Audit 
trail record BEGIN
WHO: audit:unknown
WHAT: [event=success,timestamp=Tue Jan 09 13:47:33 ALMT 
WHEN: Tue Jan 09 13:47:33 ALMT 2018
CLIENT IP ADDRESS: fe80:0:0:0:459b:8012:528e:462a%20
SERVER IP ADDRESS: fe80:0:0:0:459b:8012:528e:462a%20

2018-01-09 13:47:33,487 DEBUG 
- <Authentication request is not identified as an OAuth request>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,488 DEBUG 
- <Located client IP address as [fe80:0:0:0:459b:8012:528e:462a%20]>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,490 DEBUG 
- <User agent [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:53.0) 
Gecko/20100101 Firefox/53.0] is authorized to proceed>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,490 DEBUG 
- <Adaptive authentication policy has authorized client 
[fe80:0:0:0:459b:8012:528e:462a%20] to proceed.>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,491 DEBUG [org.apereo.cas.web.support.WebUtils] - 
<Evaluating request to determine if warning cookie should be generated>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,491 DEBUG [org.apereo.cas.web.support.WebUtils] - 
<Evaluating request to determine if warning cookie should be generated>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,493 DEBUG 
- <Authentication handlers used for this transaction are 
2018-01-09 13:47:33,494 DEBUG 
- <Processing SPNEGO authentication>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,526 DEBUG 
- <Authenticated SPNEGO principal [null]>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,527 DEBUG 
- <Retrieving the next token for authentication>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,528 DEBUG 
- <Setting nextToken in credential>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,530 DEBUG 
[org.apereo.cas.authentication.PolicyBasedAuthenticationManager] - 
<[JcifsSpnegoAuthenticationHandler] exception details: [Principal is null, 
the processing of the SPNEGO Token failed].>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,531 DEBUG 
- <Credential is not one of username/password and is not accepted by 
handler [QueryDatabaseAuthenticationHandler]>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,532 DEBUG 
- <Credential is not one of username/password and is not accepted by 
handler [AcceptUsersAuthenticationHandler]>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,532 DEBUG 
- <Credential is not one of username/password and is not accepted by 
handler [LdapAuthenticationHandler]>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,533 ERROR 
[org.apereo.cas.authentication.PolicyBasedAuthenticationManager] - 
<Authentication has failed. Credentials may be incorrect or CAS cannot find 
authentication handler that supports [unknown] of type [SpnegoCredential].>
2018-01-09 13:47:33,534 INFO 
[org.apereo.inspektr.audit.support.Slf4jLoggingAuditTrailManager] - <Audit 
trail record BEGIN
WHO: unknown
WHAT: Supplied credentials: [unknown]
WHEN: Tue Jan 09 13:47:33 ALMT 2018
CLIENT IP ADDRESS: fe80:0:0:0:459b:8012:528e:462a%20
SERVER IP ADDRESS: fe80:0:0:0:459b:8012:528e:462a%20


Has anyone here had the same issue or knows how to solve it?
I suspect it's a bug.


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