We are using CAS proxy to connect Roundcube webmail client to our IMAP server. 
For this we have a no longer developed phpCAS plugin.
If we set CAS to a sliding session window, Roundcube's repeated requests for 
proxy tickets will keep the CAS session active indefinitely until the browser 
is closed.
When setting CAS to a hard time out (say 8h), Roundcube opts to use an expired 
PT, which in turn results in the IMAP proxy (dovecot) using it as a password in 
LDAP which eventually locks the user's account.

We can modify the plugin to listen for a failed PT request and end the client 
session. But before we do that, I would like to know what others have done.

How do you manage webmail client sessions (or do you)?
Do you have a webmail system that handles this gracefully?

This behaviour is not limited to webmail so any other perspectives are welcome.



P.S. Roundcube makes a request to check incoming mail every few minutes. Each 
request gets a new proxy ticket. With a sliding window, CAS extends its session 
each time.

Ray Bon
Programmer analyst
Development Services, University Systems
2507218831 | CLE 019 | r...@uvic.ca

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